Students from the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins High School discussed the role of the Regional Government

Students from the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins High School discussed the role of the Regional Government
Students from the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins High School discussed the role of the Regional Government

In line with the new Public Education system, which highlights citizen education and democratic values, the Local Public Education Service (SLEP) Iquique organized a dialogue between the regional governor, José Miguel Carvajal, and the students of the Liceo Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins on the role and importance of the Regional Government in the territory.

During the event, the governor explained what the work of the Regional Government consists of and how the management of different public investment projects defines the growth and future of the region.

“A work that we want to repeat with the teams that lead the SLEP establishments, because we understand that this type of interaction allows them to know the route of the resources that belong to everyone, learning about the large number of opportunities that open up through the public investments in the region,” commented Carvajal.

The executive director of SLEP Iquique, Najle Majluf Morales, expressed his satisfaction with the initiative: “We are very happy to be able to take these first steps in linking with different relevant actors in the region. Today we are happy to be able to have the presence of the governor, who came to talk with the students and who were able to learn what the role of the Regional Government is and how we can grow as a society.”

For his part, the director of the Liceo Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Sebastián Chang, highlighted the importance of this meeting, emphasizing that “it is a great opportunity for us because we are a scientific-humanist high school, part of our identity is to promote the connection and participation of our students as future citizen actors.

Chang said that “so the fact that a State authority, as the highest authority in the region, comes and communicates directly with them without intermediaries is significant and transcendental for our students and the development of their critical thinking.”

These types of conversations between authorities and students from establishments of the Local Public Education Service will continue to be developed during this school year, with the aim of strengthening civic education and citizen participation.

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