The deadline for registration for the 2025 Board of Directors Competition is extended –

The General Directorate of Schools announced that the deadline for submitting applications has been extended until July 31.

The General Directorate of Schools announced the extension of the registration period, which runs from June 1 to July 31 of this year, for the submission of folders of applicants with a degree and seniority as of June 2, established in Annex I of RESOL-2024-2360-E-GDEMZA-DGE, by which the Schedule for the Contest of Background, Merits and Opposition to access the Management Hierarchy in the schools dependent on the DGE was approved.

Applicants may present, while they receive the pending certifications, the rest of the required documentation and the ticket to start the seniority certification application process so that the Qualifying Boards can begin the background validation process, in order to issue the list. provisional number of applicants qualified to take the competition.

Background, Merits and Opposition Management Hierarchy Competition 2025

The school government determined the general and basic competencies for applicants, the content that will be common to all levels and modalities, and the corresponding bibliography. It was also established that all bibliographic materials and support resources will be made available to applicants through the different virtual sites of the General Directorate of Schools.

All applicants are expected to be able to lead educational innovation processes, comply with all school actions, design, coordinate and execute strategic plans within the framework of quality education and promote teaching teams with a reflective attitude that consider the particularities and diversities. of the learning subjects and the school context.

Future managers are expected to foster respectful and constructive working relationships within their educational community and to involve families and other members of society in school life.

The proposed program covers the democratic and participatory managerial role, foundations for pedagogical management, institutional interaction, communication, mediation and conflict, administrative and economic management and strategic thinking. In the resolution, applicants will find the complete bibliography.

click HERE to download the Resolution


Source: DGE Press

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