Weretilneck met with María Emilia Soria in Roca, who complained about water deficiencies

Without prior notice and without the knowledge of the press, once again Governor Alberto Weretilneck and the Mayor of Roca, María Emilia Soria, met in the municipality of Alto Valle to discuss pending works and actions for the city.

The meeting was later publicized by the municipality and also by the governor on his X account, with a photograph of the governor and the head of the municipality in their office, displaying documents and a folder with the province’s logo. This is the second meeting in the municipality, the first was at the end of last December.

According to the municipality, there was discussion about three problems in Roca such as “the provision of water in the neighbourhoods, the constant loss of water and sewage in different parts of the city, and the unfinished works in Rochdale and Jujuy.”

The core of the complaints that Soria brought to Weretilneck is due to deficiencies in the service provided by Aguas Rionegrinas, currently led by Javier Iud.

“We know that the deficiencies in the city’s water and sewage networks will not be able to be solved immediately, but It is positive that Governor Weretilneck listens to the claim and expresses his willingness to resolve it.“said the mayor after the meeting.

Weretilneck also appreciated the meeting: «As we always say, There is no province without a municipality and vice versa. Beyond political distinctions, in these difficult times the people of Roca will find us working together“, he promised.

The municipality pointed out that the damage caused in the area adjacent to the Rochdale and Jujuy roundabout due to the sewer collector replacement work which was left unfinished. There, the mayor listed cracks in the pavement, green spaces, railings, lighting columns and signage, and the governor’s response was the commitment of “the necessary resources for the total reconstruction of the affected area.” These works would begin in August.

The leaders signed the renewal for Ten years of the land use loan adjacent to both banks of the main irrigation canal, by the DPA to the municipality of Roca.

Soria also accompanied Weretilneck to the act of opening the envelopes of the tender for the expansion of the gas network in the Procrear neighborhood, which will benefit 33 families with a provincial investment of 48 million of pesos.

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