Alert remains in five municipalities of Córdoba due to possible passage of tropical wave

Alert remains in five municipalities of Córdoba due to possible passage of tropical wave
Alert remains in five municipalities of Córdoba due to possible passage of tropical wave


The Government of Córdoba and the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys (CVS), maintain alerts in the coastal area of ​​the department due to the possible passage of a tropical wave that could cause damage in the coming days, due to the increase in rain and storm surge.

In this regard, the authorities urged the communities of the municipalities of San Antero, San Bernardo del Viento, Moñitos, Puerto Escondido and Los Córdobas to take the following precautions to minimize the impact of the natural phenomenon:

1. Secure vulnerable roofs and structures: Check and reinforce roofs, windows and doors to avoid damage from strong winds.

2. Clean drains and gutters: keep drains, sewers and water channels clean to prevent flooding.

3. Prepare an emergency kit– It should contain basic supplies such as flashlights, batteries, drinking water, non-perishable food, medicines and important documents.

4. Identify evacuation routes: know and have clear evacuation routes and safe meeting points in case of an emergency.

Meanwhile, mayors are recommended to:

1. Activate contingency and emergency plans.

2. Strengthen communication with the community through official channels.

3. Coordinate with relief agencies to ensure a timely and effective response.

4. Carry out evacuation drills and review critical infrastructure to ensure its proper functioning during the emergency.

Additionally, the following provisions are activated:

– Activation of the National Response Plan for Tropical Cyclones.

– Activation of protocols and contingency plans: All actions to prepare for the response to the possible entry of Tropical Depression No. 02 into the Caribbean Sea.

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– Attention to special communications and alerts: The CDGRD and CMGRD must remain alert to special communications and alerts issued by the entities of the technical table for tropical cyclone alerts (IDEAM, DIMAR, AEROCIVIL, FAC and UNGRD).

It is worth remembering that climatic variations have left nearly 19,000 people affected in Córdoba and public calamities due to flooding have been declared in eight of the 30 municipalities.

Alerts are also being issued from Alto Sinú:

The Urrá SAESP company reported that, “starting at 0:00 on June 29, the Urrá Hydroelectric Power Plant began operating with its 4 generation units.”

The change in operation became necessary due to the modification of hydrological conditions given the increase in contributions to the reservoir, which will increase the levels in the Sinú River.”, he warned.

Finally, he said that “the average contributions of the day in the last hours are of the order of 750.18 m3/s. However, from the hydroelectric plant an average of 663.05 m3/s is being discharged downstream and that the reservoir level at 6:00 am today (June 29, 2024) was at 127.027 meters above sea level.”

Urrá Reservoir. Photo: Urrá press.

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