«Río Negro does not have a global integration strategy» – ADN

«Río Negro does not have a global integration strategy» – ADN
«Río Negro does not have a global integration strategy» – ADN

(ADN).- The PRO legislator, Juan Martín, criticized the province’s lack of strategies to insert itself into the world and achieve investments to exploit its potential. It was after participating in a networking and leadership training activity in the city of Madrid, where he traveled at the invitation of the Libertad Foundation.

“Río Negro is attractive to the world, but we have to start doing things right,” said Juan Martin, and explained that “our province has important resources that the world needs, such as energy, food, mining and technology, in addition to having tourist attractions” although he considered that “the lack of an international insertion strategy on the part of the government causes opportunities to be lost.”

During his stay in Madrid, Juan Martin participated in the Atlantic Forum, where he met with the former presidents of Mexico, Felipe Calderón; from Colombia, Iván Duque; and from Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso; the former Minister of Economy of Brazil, Paulo Guedes; the Spanish representative Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo; the philosopher Fernando Savater; the writer and journalist Álvaro Vargas Llosa and the president of the Popular Party of Spain, Alberto Nuñez Feijoó, among other prominent Ibero-American personalities.

Likewise, he held a series of meetings with the economic and investment promotion teams of the Madrid community. “Madrid receives about 70 percent of the foreign investment that comes to Spain, it has the lowest level of unemployment and the best salaries in the entire country and it was very good to see first-hand how they make it possible,” he explained, detailing that “since the arrival of Isabel Díaz Ayuso to the Madrid government, 20 taxes have been lowered and regulations have been eliminated.”

As part of the program organized by the Libertad Foundation, Juan Martin also met with the authorities of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations.


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