Young Cuban graduates in Russia in fire protection (+Photo)

Young Cuban graduates in Russia in fire protection (+Photo)
Young Cuban graduates in Russia in fire protection (+Photo)

The institution belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Eurasian giant trained specialists from the Caribbean nation for five years in subjects related to theory and practice, and the application of experiments both in laboratories and exercises in training grounds.

At the same time, as part of the curriculum, a dictionary was created in Russian and Spanish where the main themes and concepts oriented to firefighter subjects are developed, Lieutenant Arnaldo Bombino, a recent graduate, specified to Prensa Latina.

In that sense, he added that in addition to the specialist title, they were certified as drone pilots for work in emergency situations.

Along with the Cuban firefighters, 82 other students from 13 countries received their degrees in Moscow’s Red Square.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Alexander Kurenkov, congratulated the graduates and urged them to start writing a new chapter of biography to shoulder to shoulder fight against natural and technological elements, and in this way help the needy.

“All the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom and on the training grounds will have to be perfected in practice and applied in the workplace every day,” the minister stressed.

For his part, the director of the State Fire Academy, Lieutenant General of the Internal Service, Vyacheslav Butko, expressed confidence that the character qualities instilled in the institution: determination, loyalty to duty, willingness to help, will always be inherent in graduates, and “the doors of the university will be open for students.”

Students from the Civil Defense Academy and the Donetsk Institute of the State Fire Service, both belonging to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, also graduated at the graduation ceremony.


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