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They will take communes of Valledupar in search of Joshuar David

Twenty-seven days have passed since the disappearance of the 4-year-old boy Joshuar David Mejía Gil, and to date there are no traces of his whereabouts, while an entire family is consumed by the pain of not knowing anything about the little boy, who disappeared on Memorial Day. Mothers in the Nuevo Milenio neighborhood of Valledupar.

The last person who had him in her possession was his biological mother, who claims to have left him hours later near the grandparents’ house, with whom the child lives. However, the case has become a true mystery and until now Its location could not be possible.

The Public Force has carried out various operations in the metropolitan municipalities of Valledupar, even his biological mother was visited by police and government authorities, and she insists not to have him. Likewise, the reward of up to 10 million pesos remains firm for accurate information that allows the whereabouts of the minor to be found.

For this reason, starting today, new actions are being taken by each of the communes of Valledupar, to sensitize the community so that they provide information. Starting this Saturday, the Valledupar Person’s Office, the Government Secretariat and the Metropolitan Police with the support of the Foundation Warrior Women of Cesar and La Guajira take over the different communes of the city to raise awareness among the population and obtain information about the child.

The Valledupar Person’s Office, Government Secretariat, Metropolitan Police, volunteers such as the women of the Guerreras del Cesar and La Guajira Foundation and the community in general will participate, who will sweep the neighborhoods in search of the minor.

“We will take the different communes, we will go house to house, from place to place, showing Joshuar David’s photographs; providing information, but also searching for him, since this minor has been missing for many days,” said the person in charge of Valledupar, Luz Ángela Moreno. The case is being investigated by Gaula, Police and Prosecutor’s Office personnel.

Likewise, on Tuesday, June 11 at 8:00 in the morning, the child’s relatives are calling for a walk that will reach the Cesar Governorate, to demand that the authorities intensify the search.

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