Millionaire shipments committed by criminals in the streets of Bucaramanga and Floridablanca

Millionaire shipments committed by criminals in the streets of Bucaramanga and Floridablanca
Millionaire shipments committed by criminals in the streets of Bucaramanga and Floridablanca

In two isolated incidents, robbers on motorbikes attacked citizens who had just withdrawn sums of money from banks. In one of the cases, a woman participated in the theft.

Photo: taken from the supplied video / VANGUARDIA.

The two charges, as the type of theft from users who withdraw money from banking entities is known, occurred on Thursday, June 27. Days before completing the mid-year premium payment.

The first case whose information was confirmed by the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police, Mebuc, occurred at 2 in the afternoon in the Cerros de Cañaveral sector, on Carrera 26B and Calle 34, in Floridablanca.

A 59-year-old woman, a home-based employee, was carrying $20 million pesos that she had withdrawn around noon from the Bancolombia branch in Cañaveral.

“The citizen told us that she used the money she withdrew to make some purchases and make some payments, then left the Cañaveral Shopping Center,” said the Police.

The criminals followed her for two hours inside the shopping center. She later left the place with a son, on a motorcycle.

At 2:10 pm, when he was on Carrera 26B and Calle 34 de Cañaveral, a subject approached him, made them stop the motorcycle and threatened them with a firearm.

“The victim reported that the criminal was wearing a black jacket, black pants, pointed the firearm at him and stole a black bag where he was carrying $20 million in cash,” the Police said in the report.

The criminals fled while the Police analyzed video cameras to find the freighters.

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Another theft in the center of Bucaramanga

In the Antonia Santos neighborhood, at 3:53 pm, another theft was reported from a merchant who was traveling in a van and two criminals, one of them a woman, stole a bag where he was carrying a million-dollar sum of money that he had withdrawn. of a banking entity.

According to a resident of the area, the robbery took place on Carrera 25 between Calles 34 and 35. A video records when the thieves on a motorcycle took the bag and fled towards the north of the city, even ignoring the stop signs at the intersections.

“The victims ran after the thieves. The one who was serving as a griller was a woman and she was the one who committed the hauling. Before that, two shots had been heard,” said a witness.

The Mebuc Police are waiting for the victim’s formal complaint to find out the money stolen in this incident that occurred in the center of Bucaramanga.

Recommendations to avoid being a victim of freight

The National Police insists that users of financial entities not withdraw millionaire sums of money and do so only in necessary cases, such as employee payroll payments.

The first thing is to always be aware of your surroundings, be suspicious of people who give up their turn in line, use cell phones and are in different areas of the bank.

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When withdrawing large sums of money, ask the cashier for the accompaniment service of the National Police, there is no cost.

If possible, use digital means to make payments or transfers to other accounts. Do not give information about your financial activities.

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