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Jonatan Viale: “Milei, against the clock: wait for the approval of the laws while the K install the idea of ​​a political trial”

The president knows that he is in a stark fight against time. It is not a problem of finishing the mandate or not. That is not at issue. In fact, today he has been in office for just 180 days out of 1,461 days in office. He just served 12% of his term. The problem is patience or lack of patience for results.

The president knows that this week was the worst of the first six months of his government. Given the crisis with Sandra Pettovello, the rise of the dollar and the discussion of the Bases Law in the Senate, Kirchnerism takes advantage of the weakness and plays with the idea of ​​a political trial.

Javier Milei knows that he governs against the clock and he also knows that this week was the worst of the six months. What happened?

  • Rumors of resignation of his favorite minister, Sandra Pettovello
  • They approved a law that sharply increases fiscal spending
  • A new Kirchnerism-radicalism alliance was forged
  • The dollar rose
  • Country risk increased
  • Bonds went down.

What does Kirchnerism do? Take advantage and play with the uncertainty. The impeachment show is back.

Kirchnerism seeks an excuse for impeachment. (Video: C5N/TN – Photo: courtesy of MDZ)

“Cause of crime.” Why do you say that? Because they are looking for the crime for impeachment. Then came a much more concrete expression: “They are pushing for impeachment.”

A journalist in prime time The TV says: “They can blame the President,” but the show continues. Today, Kirchnerist senator Mariano Recalde says: “I do not rule out that the government ends sooner.” A significant degree of cynicism. “I am working to ensure that Milei finishes her term, but I do not rule out her leaving sooner.”

And then the ineffable Juan Grabois arrives saying the same thing: “With 65% poverty I ask for impeachment.” Everyone plays the same game. Not today, not yet, but we don’t rule out anything. Peronism behaves as a governability regulator. “I let go of your hand when I want.” It is a tremendous extortion.

Both Grabois, Recalde and C5N They repeat the same thing: “We already have two thirds.” In other words, this boy falls when we decide. Therefore, leave things as they are. Don’t mess with the plans, don’t mess with the agenda, don’t mess with Cristina Kirchner, don’t mess with Aerolíneas, don’t mess with AySA.

There are even radicals who are beginning to say this in a slightly more timid way. Martín Tetaz assured: “The president is within reach of impeachment.” This is the same Martín Tetaz who, in December, said that the impeachment trial was crazy and that there was Milei until 2027.

So what was the big news this week? The two thirds. The new Kirchnerism-UCR alliance set off all the alarms. Because? Because if that alliance prospers, it could be sustained in the Senate. These are 33 Kirchnerist senators, 13 radical senators, three senators from the Federal Unit, two senators from Misiones, one senator from Neuquén. That gives 52 safe votes in the Senate. More than the two-thirds that Kirchnerism needs to overthrow Milei.

Read also: Kirchnerism seeks to build bridges with a sector of the opposition to form a majority in Deputies

Today Máximo Kirchner explained it clearly. They did not pass the law for retirees, but to expose the president to the veto. They sought the veto, they sought wear and tear, they sought to leave the Government exposed and in the process they tested whether they reach two-thirds. And in the process they put the basic law in check.

Own laws approved in Congress to presidents in their first six months in office:

  • Raúl Alfonsín, 30
  • Nestor Kirchner, 14
  • Cristina Kirchner, 11
  • Carlos Menem, 7
  • Alberto Fernandez, 5
  • Mauricio Macri, 4
  • Fernando de la Rúa, 1
  • Javier Milei, 0.

The longer it takes for the Government to pass the law, governance will cost more. And Kirchnerism knows it and exploits it.

Because? Because the Basic Law generates investments, more dollars, less spending (due to privatizations), opening of the stocks, more private work (due to labor reform), more collection (due to profits). What does Kirchnerism do? He realizes it and puts a lot of pressure on it to turn it over.

Pablo Moyano spoke to the senators today: “Think about whether you want to be heroes or traitors to the country.”. I imagine the Senate has some doubts and listens to this. Imagine that a gangster comes and he tells you: “Choose whether you want to be a hero or a traitor.” If you vote well, you are a hero. If you vote wrong, you have the truckers union in front of you.

Read also: Strong warning from the CGT to senators before the vote on the Bases Law

It is the same thing they did back in 2017 with Macri. They threw tons of stones at Congress and from that moment on, Macri’s government entered an endless and lethal crisis. Look at the level of violence they are generating. Today I saw a boy from the Justicialista Party of Tucumán with a lion’s head in his hand calling to cut off the heads of all the lions. What nice people.

The Government’s refusal to approve the Truckers’ joint agreement accelerated the definition of the CGT call for a general strike (Photo: Mariano Sánchez/NA).

All this is to intimidate, to intimidate, to sour the climate. Now, the question is: Why do they want to regain power? What is the country project of Kirchnerism? Number of villas in Argentina:

  • 2004: 2000
  • 2015: 4400
  • 2023: 6200.

Is this why they want to govern?

They left a hungry and miserable country. They left a country where, if they don’t distribute grass, people will die of hunger. They left a country where powdered milk has to be distributed because if not, people won’t eat. Was that the decade won? Was that the present state?

The great public policy they demand is dining rooms and picnic areas. What is your achievement? I made 50 picnic areas in San Martín. And yours? I distributed sugar and peas in González Catán. And yours? I gave away bicycles in Avellaneda. Is that the national and popular, progressive and inclusive model?

Juan Grabois: “Massa’s management was very bad. Guzmán was a better Minister of Economy.” (Photo: Télam/Víctor Carreira).

Let’s see if they understand that these people already governed us for 16 years and shocked everyone. The fashionable character: Grabois. In December, he said: “I was part of boycotting the great HDP of Martín Guzmán to put the genius of Sergio Massa.” Last night, he said: “Massa’s management was very bad. Guzmán was a better Minister of Economy.”

Is this why you want to come back? Grabois boycotted the good guy to put down the bad guy. Back: What is the country’s project? Kicillof’s project: eliminate repetition throughout the country. Kicillof’s Minister of Education, Alberto Sileoni, came out to defend the measure today. He said that he is looking to “get out of a 100 year old classic paradigm that it does not improve the lives of students” and that the initiative is “a profound reform.”

Axel Kicillof eliminated repetition in the secondary schools. (Photo: UxP press)

In Argentina, only 22 out of every 100 boys finish school on time. I have a brilliant idea: it cannot be repeated anymore and that’s it. No, but there you are not helping the kids learn. It doesn’t matter!! I assure you that the statistics improve. You will see that in a year many more kids finish high school. Sure, but donkeys come out. It doesn’t matter, but they end.

Read also: The Buenos Aires government defended the changes in secondary school: “The world left repetition a long time ago”

In other words, we are training donkeys. Kicillof is going to make all Buenos Aires residents speak like him. Here we have the great solution to Milei: Axel Kicillof. For this they want to speed up the impeachment trial.

That said, the fact that the other thing is tremendously horrible does not enable Javier Milei to have so many management problems. Therefore, the president knows that he is racing against time.

The inevitable path has to be freedom. What is missing is the pavement. Without pavement, the car stays. If the car stays, these will eat you zombies. And these zombies They don’t know how to do anything but harm.

Let’s not allow them to continue hurting Argentina.

Free opinions; sacred facts.

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