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The Municipality commemorated the Day of the Reaffirmation of Argentine Rights over the Malvinas

With an event and parade held on 10 de Junio ​​Avenue in the Malvinas neighborhood, the municipality commemorated a new Day of the Affirmation of Argentine Rights over the Malvinas Islands. This event, which repeats every June 10, served as a reminder of Argentina’s firm stance regarding sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, the Georgia Islands and the Sandwich Islands of the South Atlantic, as well as a time to honor heroes and veterans. of the heroic deed.

During his speech, Mayor Jorge dedicated an emotional tribute to the heroes of the Malvinas, highlighting their sacrifice and legacy. “Good morning everyone, with special recognition to the brave martyrs of the General Belgrano cruise, who, for more than three decades, continue to accompany us on 10 de Junio ​​Avenue. Here we reaffirm the unbreakable will of the Argentine people to continue defending our national sovereignty, rooted in the ideals of 1816, the year of our independence. “It fills us with pride to raise our national symbols in defense of our territory, unjustly taken away by piracy by a foreign power like the United Kingdom.”

The mayor expressed his gratitude to all those present who have supported this cause over the years. “I want to extend my greetings to the provincial deputies, councilors, municipal officials of the Neighborhood Participation Center of this neighborhood, and the intermediate institutions that have contributed to forging the identity of Malvinas. “We recognize the joint work of former Governor Morales, Governor Sadir, the provincial deputies, as well as the dedication of our Deliberative Council and the municipality.”

Finally, he reiterated his commitment to work tirelessly for the well-being of the inhabitants of the Malvinas neighborhood. “We propose to convert 10 de Junio ​​Avenue into a bridge that connects with the northern district of the city, including the Higuerillas neighborhood. This reflects our commitment to the decentralization of the city and the appreciation of our urban heritage.”

For his part, the president of the Deliberative Council, Lisandro Aguiar, expressed, “like every June 10, we meet here, on 10 de Junio ​​Avenue in the Malvinas neighborhood, with the concept of reaffirming the sovereign rights of the Argentine Republic over the Islands. Malvinas… really being able to work from peace, from diplomacy, so that this territory, which is the sovereign territory of the Argentine Republic, is once again under our flag, I think it is fundamental.”

Aguiar added, “both this date and April 2 should not go unnoticed. I am, of course, going to take advantage of the day to once again greet our heroes, the heroes of the Malvinas, those who were willing to give their lives to defend the country and, of course, everything they build daily “Through diplomacy, the possibility of this territory returning under our flag.”

Among the special guests was Antonio Luis Leguina, a Malvinas veteran, who reflected on the meaning of this date for all Argentines, “a special day dear to the feelings of all of Argentina, a day where this date moves us, “It brings us, without a doubt, the saddest and noblest memory of being Argentine.”

Leguina highlighted the importance of dialogue to resolve this conflict, “it turns out that invading countries like England ignore the different resolutions of the United Nations, but we continue to bet on dialogue, because we believe that the recovery of our islands will be through dialogue and not by force.”

Remembering those who died in combat, Leguina concluded, “we have had the sad experience of participating in a conflict that was perhaps unwanted, perhaps unwanted, and today, on our icy islands, there are 649 who remain resting, guarding them, among them, 15 Jujeños, who “We will not forget them, they will permanently be in the memory of our family, friends and the province of Jujuy.”

Finally, the administrator of the Neighborhood Participation Center of the Malvinas neighborhood, Gladys Lozano, thanked the officials and institutions for the presence and stressed the importance of this type of act in reaffirming our national identity, “this serves to remind us of our rights over the Malvinas Islands, that is so important in our lives, that every year we must not forget that the Malvinas Islands are ours and that one day we could get them back.”

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