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Mema valued the harmony with the Nation to finish works and ratified Mendoza’s support in Congress

“For us – Mema admitted – the signing that took place on Friday is super important, because it culminates a series of conversations that we had maintaining”, highlighted the radical. He was alluding to a conclave in Casa Rosada in which Two agreements were signed to advance with road work, sanitation and expansion of the drinking water and housing network who were in suspense after the paralysis of public works announced a few months ago from Balcarce Street.

To this is added the concord around of the addendum that will allow diverse uses to be given to the funds originally intended for the ill-fated dam Portezuelo del Viento. In that sense, it is assured that Milei’s signature is a matter of days or, at most, weeks.


This same Monday, the Chief of Staff of the Nation, Guillermo Francosalso spoke with Radio Nihuil and – words more words less – revealed that the release of funds for works in Mendoza responded to the permanent endorsement that Cornejo has maintained for Milei’s initiatives.

In turn, Mema explained that “all works” Those for which continuity was agreed were tendered during the Mauricio Macri government, except for the repair of the bridges on Route 40, since they broke in 2020.

We are in a different situation than other provinces.. In general, these are works that have already been paralyzed and we think it is important that the Nation commits money to provide money so that the Province does not have to pay for works that are being carried out on national routes,” the Mendoza native stressed.

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Francos, Cornejo and Mema during the conversations that ended in an agreement last Friday.

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Support for the Bases Law

In another part of the conversation, Mema was asked about the influence that an eventual triumph of the Bases Law in the National Congress.

It’s about a hot area of Argentine politics, which has just begun a busy week, basically because Milei needs to show political muscle and exhibit some achievement within the legislative arena.

“Does it matter to you whether the Base Law comes out or not?” asked journalist Andrés Gabrielli. Mema’s response was blunt: “No, no, no. We need it to come out and we are doing everything possible to get it approved”.

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Pending points

“The reality is that all these works – which confirmed their progress on Friday – had been stopped since last year; They are not works paralyzed by the current government“Mema remarked.

The list of jobs that will be completed is for many incomplete, since in the South, for example, They demand that a gas pipeline be completed that would alleviate the situation of thousands of families and that has almost everything -except the Nation’s okey- to be completed shortly.

“Of course the gas pipeline is important. The governor has already been in contact with the mayor of San Rafael to learn more about the issue.but that is an agreement that the Ministry of Energy signed at the time with the Municipality of San Rafael and It is the Municipality of San Rafael that had carried out the tender“, Mema defined.

The Government Minister stated that The contracts for the works that the Nation promised to conclude “are in force”. Therefore, “it is a matter of the flow of funds beginning to appear to resume the work and surely this will generate that the companies that were virtually paralyzed call people back to continue with the works“.

These are projects that are labor intensive: projects linked to water and sanitation, the double lane between the Airport and Jocolí, the Palmira Bypass. Furthermore, Mema added, “There are intentions to reactivate the Caracoles tunnel contractso that the trucks can pass through what used to be the railway tunnel.

“If all these works begin to have a rhythm, they will require labor, beyond the fact that Fortunately, we in the province have maintained activity and no company, at least with provincial works, has had to reduce its flow.“, considered.

The axis of the home

The interviewee emphasized that the Cornejo administration is looking for ways to promote housing construction.

60% of this year’s local infrastructure funds are for the Provincial Housing Institute. If you notice, we have been finishing several neighborhoods, and now based on the dialogue we will be able to finish some 160 or 170 houses that had been agreed to be built with the Nation and that were standing still. But the vast majority of the homes that the Province is building are being built with its own funds and those have not been paralyzed.“.

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