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CIGB Camagüey: projects and aspirations

Camagüey, June 11.– The new generations that make up the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Camagüey speak about future projects and aspirations, a scientific institution founded by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro on July 25, 1989.

Aimet Mora Delis, Dianela Serrano Blanco, Yailin Rodríguez Gainza, Jessabel María Terry Díaz, Daliana Varana Chapman today are one of those young women who are formed and grow, as they say, not only professionally but also personally.

You can hear them exchange with others their experiences on innovative biomedical, veterinary, agricultural and industrial projects and products developed by the CIGB.

Some are in the training process at the aforementioned scientific institution, while Daliana Varona Chapman is currently completing her final thesis and aspires to be part of a center close to celebrating its 35th anniversary.

“I am working on Hebernem, a product that acts directly on the nematode, eliminating its eggs, and allows the growth and productivity of the plant, and my proposal is a study of the barriers of contamination.

For Aimet Mora Delis, working in Human Resources excites her and teaches her to be patient and empathetic, and recognize the most important thing about the center: its men and women.

“I am a recent graduate of industrial engineering this year, and for me working at the CIGB is a dream because they give you the opportunity to learn every day. It is very comfortable because the people are very helpful. “I am in the human resources area, training in the training and development process that is responsible for improvement, one of the strengths of this center.”

Dianela Serrano Blanco, also an industrial engineering graduate, arrived thanks to the vocational training actions led by the CIGB and that perfect binomial that is university-business.

Graduated with a degree in accounting and finance, Yailin Rodríguez Gainza is linked to the research and development area and assumes analytical techniques, convinced that it is the center to which she always wants to belong due to the opportunities and familiarity.

The young automatic engineer José Pablo Sánchez Morales, with just over two years at the CIGB, highlighted that the new generations are at the forefront of the development of the biotechnology industry, contributing to the research, development, production and marketing of a wide range of products.

Due to his merits, this 27-year-old boy concluded his training period earlier than established and is currently leading important advances in software in order to optimize processes.

The contribution of young people in the research and production field is one of the main strengths of the CIGB, emphasized Doctor of Science Nemecio González Fernández, who explained that it is the result of the vocational training and professional guidance strategies that the center extends from an early age. .

“The preparation of talented students and training at the Máximo Gómez Exact Sciences Pre-University School and then at the Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University allow us to obtain excellent results and an example of this is the development of a broader spectrum vaccine for the control of ectoparasites in pets and animals. in general, as well as other projects that will benefit the economic area with the application of artificial intelligence,” he said. (Text and photo: Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte).

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