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A PP poll expands its absolute majority in Córdoba and reflects that 55% of the people of Córdoba see Bellido’s work as good or very good

He spokesman of the popular group in it City hall From Cordoba, Miguel Angel Torrico (mayor of Urban Planning and Security), presented a survey this Wednesday. According to this citizen survey, as reported by the PP in a press release, yes today there would be municipal elections -one year after these elections were held-, the popular would get 16 councilors in the capital.

I would be one more than they havesince they add up to 15, the magic number that gives the absolute majority in the Plenary of Córdoba and that this political force achieved in May after in the 2019/2023 cycle this party led the city in a co-government with Cs.

He would achieve this mayoral act more “at the expense of the PSOE”, while “the rest of the groups would obtain the same representation.” That is, the socialists would be left with six councilors; We do Córdoba with four representatives and Vox with three.

If there were municipal governments at this time, the PP would grow 3 points, going from 46.3% of the support obtained in May 2023 to 49.3%. Compared to that, the PSOE would drop 1.4 points, Hacemos would also drop slightly and VOX would also rise slightly.

Torrico has reported on a opinion study that this party carried out last month. This work, he has highlighted, provides very positive data for the governing team of Capitulares. “The first conclusion is that The people of Córdoba mostly support the path of growth undertaken by the mayorJosé, María Bellido, for the PP and for the government team in the City Council,” stated the spokesperson for the popular parties in the Consistory.

The PP highlights that 57% of the people of Córdoba support the work of the mayor and that 65% consider that the direction of the capital is good or very good

According to this survey, “the vast majority of Cordobans They perceive that there has been a change of course for the better, that Córdoba is growing and is on the right path, and it is due to the great work of Mayor Bellido and the PP team. «This means more responsibility to continue governing as we are doing, for everyone, seeking the best for Córdoba, without sectarianism, without extremism, with moderation, with a way to the center as Juanma Moreno continues in Andalusia and that Bellido embodies in Córdoba,” he defended.

According to the data from this study, regarding the assessment of the councilor’s work“a 57% support their work. Specifically, 32.3% are somewhat worried and 24.7% are very worried. The sum of those who somewhat or very disapprove is very far away: 21.3%. And near the 65% of Cordobans considers that the direction of Córdoba is very good (9.4%) or good (54.9%). Only one in every two respondents thinks that he is going down a bad or very bad path.

On Current situation From Cordoba compared to what it was a year ago“he 34.6% of citizens considers that the city it’s better and 15.6% think that it has gotten worse. For their part, 49.5% believe that it is the same.

94% know the mayor

Despite the previous answer, when the residents of the capital are asked if they consider that Córdoba continues to growTorrico highlighted, “the response is overwhelmingly positive from citizens. A 64.1% support the idea that Córdoba grows, which means that two thirds of the city’s residents consider that the capital continues to grow,” said Torrico. On the other side of the scale are one in three respondents who consider that the city does not do so.

On work of the government team«55.1% consider what is very good [10,2%] or good [44,9%]». Regarding the analysis of the municipal leaders, “the knowledge of the mayor is practically universal, with a 94.3%»; and this is a very important aspect in municipal ones. Torrico has added that 55.8% of citizens know the PSOE spokesperson, 30.4% of Hacemos spokesperson and 19.5% of VOX spokesperson. When measuring the assessment, the PP states that practically half of those consulted (49%) consider that in the case of Bellido it is “very good.” [11,2%] or good [37,9%]».

The spokesperson for the municipal group of the PP, this Wednesday during his appearance


Torrico has shown the «satisfaction» existing in the PP for the result of this survey, which “we do recurrently and periodically and which allows us to take the pulse of the city.” “This survey serves as an incentive for us to continue working with greater responsibility for the people of Córdoba, governing for everyone, seeking the best solutions and the best projects for the city, without entering into sterile controversies and confrontations that lead to nothing,” he assured. the municipal spokesperson of the popular.

The Cordobahe has gone deeper, “what they want is solutions to your problems and future projects». “And we are going to continue working on that, to achieve more economic development, more employment, more progress and a higher quality of life for the people of Córdoba,” he concluded.

He study was done from May 15 to 23with 421 telephone interviewswhich offer a margin of error of 4.5%, in the population over 18 years of age in the municipality of Córdoba, the PP has detailed.

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