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The Government spoke of a coup d’état and claimed responsibility for the “repression of protesters”

The government of Javier Milei qualified this Wednesday the protests with serious incidents on the outskirts of Congress such as an attempted “coup d’état” and congratulated the Security Forces “for their excellent actions in repressing terrorist groups.”

“The Office of the President congratulates the Security Forces for their excellent actions in repressing the terrorist groups that, with sticks, stones and even grenades, attempted to carry out a coup d’état, attacking the normal functioning of the Congress of the Argentine Nation,” it was stated in a brief statement spread on networks.

For his part, President Milei spoke about the issue in his participation in an economic forum held at the Hilton Hotel: “Either we fall into decadence or we go down the path of freedom. That fight is even taking place in the street. Fortunately, we have a great Minister of Security and she is putting things in order,” he stressed.

Bullrich defended the repression of protesters

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, defended the actions of the security forces in the face of the protests that took place during the day in Congress and explained why the government of Javier Milei defined the actions of the protesters as “an attempted coup of State”.

“It is in the modern sense of the word, which has to do with trying, through wear and tear, to ensure that governments cannot stabilize and cannot advance in the realization of their plan,” he expressed and pointed out that the episodes that were recorded this Wednesday in the afternoon they occurred in that sense. “There is a government that says no to violence and that uses the power of the State to repress the violent,” he indicated.

Along the same lines, Bullrich considered that the violent acts that occurred had “a lot of preparation” and mentioned that “there were Molotov cocktails, there was a grenade that was not from the police forces, there was a tear gas grenade that came from the protesters, nails to prevent the circulation of police cars, painted on the Gendarmerie cars.”

There was a whole preparation, an organization had been set up to paralyze the treatment of the law”he added in dialogue with TN and maintained that it was “an attempt at repetition” of what happened when seven years ago the retirement formula proposed by the government of Mauricio Macri.

Maximum tension outside Congress

While the Bases Law is being debated in the Senate, in the vicinity of the National Congress, people called for a csteel attack against the national government project.

In the middle of lack of control of the security operation arranged at the doors of Congress, a group of deputies were repressed with pepper spray by the police when they participated in the march in front of the Legislative Palace. Meanwhile, security forces detained 29 people.

Among those affected are the legislators of Unión por la Patria Eduardo Valdés, Carlos Castagneto, Luis Basterra, Carolina Yutrovic and Juan Manuel Pedrini.

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