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A family from Mendoza needed more than $750,000 in May to avoid falling below the poverty line

The information provided this Thursday by the DEIE (Directorate of Statistics and Economic Research) showed that the increase in the baskets that measure poverty and indigence was $28,621.83 and $7,989.13.

The national indices by INDEC were also known. According to these new data, a type family made up of two adults and two minors, needed to receive income from $851,351 to not be considered in poverty. The same type of family needed income of $386,978 to avoid falling into destitution.

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In order not to be destitute, a Mendoza family needs almost $310,000 per month.

Photo: Cristián Lozano / Diario UNO

The lines of poverty and indigence in Mendoza

Just as happened with inflation, the numbers of the basic baskets that determine the poverty and indigence lines slowed in May. When observing the evolution chart since January 2023, it can be seen that in the fifth month of 2024 there was the smallest increase in 17 months.

In any case, what is notable, and worrying, is the increase from one year to the next. In May 2023, the poverty line was close to $207,000 and the indigence line was around $85,000. They practically tripled.

Evolution of poverty and indigence in Mendoza.JPG

The Total Basic Basket (CBT) represents the set of goods and services that satisfy the common needs of the population, taking into account the consumption habits of a given population. Therefore, households that have an income less than the CBT value are considered poor.

The Basic Food Basket (CBA) is the set of goods that satisfy the nutritional needs of people, taking into account the consumption habits of a given population. Therefore, households that have an income less than the CBA value are considered extremely poor or indigent.

A typical family of 4 people is taken as a reference for the calculation, with a 35-year-old head of household, his 31-year-old spouse, and two minors aged 8 and 5.

Poverty in Buenos Aires.webp

In Buenos Aires you can also see many people living on the street.

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Poverty and indigence at the national level

He National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) announced this Thursday the Total Basic Basket (CBT) and the Basic Food Basket (CBA) that set the line of what a family needed to earn in May to not be poor or destitute.

According to these new data, a type family made up of two adults and two minors, needed to receive income from $851,351 to not be considered in poverty.

This number is derived from the cost of the Total Basic Basket (CBT), that rose 2.8% last monthbelow the inflation number (4.2%) that was also announced during this day.

For its part, the cost of the products that make up The Basic Food Basket (CBA) rose 3.7% in May, which determined that the same type of family needed income of $386,978 to avoid falling into destitution.

The CBA and the CBT accumulate in the year increases of 60.8% and 71.7% respectivelyand resulted in interannual variations of the 290.7% for both baskets

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