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Atlantic’s 119th birthday: Eleana Rosales, a leader

In a mud house La Bonga neighborhoodin the municipality of Lonelinessborn Elena Rosales. A girl full of joy and emotion, she became an orphan at an early age and had to be raised by her grandparents, who taught her that nothing is an impediment to following the correct path in life and avoiding bad steps.

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That girl who today is a strong woman and fighter He liked to walk along the paths of the municipality’s main park to play with his friends and enjoy the passage of the afternoon. However, with each passing year he realized that less children They were going to share the place. Very soon she understood that drugs and the delinquency His former playmates had been caught, and he had to do something to prevent other young people from ending up down the same path.

In this way, Eleana created the project ‘Happy Kids’, which is dedicated to carrying out recreational and educational activities to take advantage of young people’s free time. In addition, it encourages talks on mental health and study opportunities for the most vulnerable.

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“One day I passed by the old park where I played when I was little and I saw that it was now the main square of the municipality, where many young people gathered to consume drugs and do their misdeeds. From that moment on I committed to changing that because I felt identified, that It could have been me; So, I started this nice project that consisted of using all the learning that I had to bring something to the children. That being the case, I dedicated myself to bringing them all together in a group and putting them to do social work cleaning spaces in the municipality so that they would learn something about cultural responsibility and I also had them make masks as I learned in the Sena, then we did shows and works with the masks. that they designed,” he said.

Unfortunately, many young people were reluctant to do this type of activity, so Eleana had to look for other methods such as sports.

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“There are many children who do not immediately get involved in the project, so to facilitate the process they are put to do other activities such as soccer and others sportsthat’s how an idea of ​​mine was born called ‘Young Stunt’, which is for those older people who have motorcycles and who are capable of practicing acrobatics on them, which many don’t think of, but it is a way to keep them busy,” he said.

The education It starts from home, which is why Eleana considers that the support of parents in the project is vital for their children to succeed.

(Also read: They carry out a cleaning day at Ecoparque Ciénaga de Mallorquín this Saturday)

“I continue to invite some parents to dedicate time to their children because they deserve it. There are no glass children who do not want to do anything, it is poor training and lack of support that accustoms children to going down the path of delinquency. It is very difficult when a child grows up in dysfunctional homes because there is no way for him to get out of there no matter how much one wants, all children are looking for someone who will listen to them, so when bad influences arrive, perhaps he is the only family figure that they think they have,” he said.

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