More than a thousand hectares of crops were affected by the rains

More than a thousand hectares of crops were affected by the rains
More than a thousand hectares of crops were affected by the rains

More than a thousand hectares of crops were affected by the large amount of water that fell during the heavy rains recorded in recent days in the province of Pinar del Río.

According to the official newspaper Granmathe rainfall of the last 20 days proved to be too much for the province’s crops, something that would worsen the food crisis on the island.

According to the aforementioned media, specialists warn that only a few weeks have passed since the rainy season, so the situation is expected to worsen, especially if one takes into account that the hurricane season has just begun.

The deputy delegate for Agriculture in Pinar del Rio, Ortelio Rodriguez Perogurria, said that the most damaged municipalities were Consolacion del Sur, Sandino and Guane.

Regarding crops, it was learned that the most affected were 430 hectares of vegetables (sweet potato, cassava and pumpkin), 368 hectares of grains (mainly corn), and 230 hectares of vegetables. It is important to note that these figures are preliminary, and are expected to increase as access can be gained to all flooded areas to verify damage.

The authorities explained that the strategy to be taken will be to summon the deplorable workforce in the field to try to rescue as much food as possible before it rots under water. After that, the commercialization of these in the markets will be accelerated, since time will be key to prevent the root vegetables and vegetables from being no longer suitable for human consumption.

The official said a detailed assessment is being carried out to determine how many crops were in the field, which will be crucial to determining how much food can be harvested in the coming months and will also help plan planting strategies.

At the moment, it is known that about 20,000 hectares of various crops had been planted in the territory of Pinar del Río, this during the spring campaign.

Heavy rains in Cuba

In the last week, the rainfall that fell on the Island brought with it multiple problems, Among them the flooding of the Cuban capital due to its poor drainage system..

Social media was filled with photographs and videos showing garbage clogging the city’s drains, causing water levels to reach considerable heights in the lowest parts of Havana.

These videos showed cars being almost completely covered by water, as well as people who had to seek shelter in the highest parts of their homes.

As if that were not enough, the strong winds combined with the rain and ended up causing multiple landslides throughout the capitala problem that is due to lack of maintenance and shortage of production materials in the country.

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