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Advancement of neofascism in the world promotes international human rights platform led by Chile

This June 16, the Chilean Human Rights Commission (CCHDH) issued a statement making the conformation of a new «International Platform for Human Rights»which was inspired by a series of principles.

«This instance of collaboration and coordination arises because we share and promote international solidarity, the brotherhood between peoples and the fight for the establishment of truly democratic systems, based on the respect and guarantee of human rights, enshrined in the various international treaties on the subject and other sources of International Human Rights Law,” it reads. in the document shared with the press.

At the same time, it is specified that to the 14 signatory entitieshuman rights defense organizations, they unite them «common purposes and similar trajectories, but also, common threats of a global nature, against which we must articulate ourselves, coordinate and support each other collectively.

“Particularly, We are concerned about the emergence of a neo-fascist extreme right in the world, “whose policies cause serious setbacks in terms of democracy, human rights and social achievements,” the statement reveals, pointing to the genesis of the new entity.


Regarding the platform’s approach, it aims to meet two central objectives:

Support the legitimate ones demands made by the people and their organizations in their respective territories, for the defense of human rights and due compliance with the obligations contracted by States, resulting from the subscription and ratification of international human rights treaties.

Propose reforms to the international human rights protection systemboth of the universal and regional bodies and mechanisms, which ensure their effectiveness and guarantee their necessary autonomy, outside of all supervision, the only way to meet the objectives for which they were created.

Regarding the conformation, the writing emphasizes that “until now, have been incorporated to this platform, organizations that promote the defense of Human Rights from countries of our America, like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Chileas well as one of continental scope and another from Italy.

“Our objective is that this instance of collaboration, exchange of information and coordination of actions has global reach and includes organizations from all five continents,” the statement states.

On the other hand, it expresses the conviction that “this platform will contribute, with its coordination and actions, to the establishment of better coexistence, both in our countries and internationally, based on respect and guarantee of human rights, which allow achieve the full dignity of our people, within the framework of genuine international peace and security.

Regarding the entities that make up the new reference for Human Rights, these are:

Chilean Human Rights Commission- CCHDH (Chile)

American Association of Jurists (AAJ)

Center for rice and elaboration for democracy-CRED (Italy)

Mothers of Plaza de Mayo National University (Argentina)

Assembly for Human Rights-APDH Neuquén (Argentina)

Association for Human Rights- APRODEH (Peru)

Territorial Social Self-Government Platform (Peru)

American Association of Jurists (Brazil Section)

Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights-CDH Guayaquil (Ecuador)

Regional Human Rights Advisory Foundation-INREDH (Ecuador)

Collective of Lawyers José Alvear Restrepo-CAJAR (Colombia)

Permanent Assembly of Human Rights of Bolivia-APDH (Bolivia)

International Network of Chairs, Institutions and Personalities on the Study of Public Debt – RICDP (Uruguay)

Lily Escobar, former deputy, former president of the Parlacen Human Rights Commission and signatory of the Peace Agreements (Guatemala).

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