Milei spoke about Lula’s demand for an apology and described him as a “little leftie” with an “inflated ego.”

Milei spoke about Lula’s demand for an apology and described him as a “little leftie” with an “inflated ego.”
Milei spoke about Lula’s demand for an apology and described him as a “little leftie” with an “inflated ego.”


Far from lowering the tone of controversy that was unleashed again with Brazil after the president of that country, Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silvademanded an apology as a condition to be able to start conversations, Javier Milei He redoubled the bet this Friday. The Argentine president said that he does not intend to retract his remarks because the things he said about his counterpart – that he was a “communist and corrupt” – according to him are two truths. He also called the leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) a “communist and corrupt” a “lefty with an inflated ego” and accused him of having acted in the electoral campaign in favor of the candidate of Union for the Fatherland (UP), the then Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

The claim was sparked when on Wednesday, in an interview with the website UOLLula said that he had not yet spoken to Milei because he considered that the Argentine president should apologize to him and to Brazil. “I did not speak with the president of Argentina because I think he has to apologize to Brazil and me. He said a lot of nonsense. I just want him to apologize. Argentina is a country that I like very muchit is a very important country for Brazil, Brazil is very important for Argentina; and it is not a president who is going to create a rift between Brazil and Argentina. The Argentine and Brazilian people are greater than the presidents. “If the president of Argentina governs Argentina, that’s fine, let him not try to govern the world,” the foreign leader emphasized.

In this context, this Friday the libertarian leader considered that this was a “discussion so small” that it seemed “pre-adolescent” to him. Likewise, he compared Lula with other world leaders with whom he already had friction. “It is the same mechanism of [Gustavo] Petro, from [Pedro] Sanchez. Don’t you believe that Petro and Lula didn’t do similar things? In the case of Lula, getting into our electoral campaign“, he maintained in LN+in relation to the support he gave to Massa, when both competed in the runoff.

And without attempting to retract, he stated: “The things I said above are true. What are the problems, that I told you corrupt? Wasn’t he arrested for corruption? What did I say communist? Isn’t he a communist? Since when do we have to apologize for telling the truth? Or are we so sick of political correctness that we can’t say anything to the left even when it’s true?

Lula had a conviction for corruptionwithin the framework of the Car Washwhich led him to be imprisoned 580 dayswhich is why he was unable to run in the 2018 presidential elections. However, in 2019, Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) reversed the decision because it considered that due process was not followed and the PT leader was set free.

Meanwhile, Milei continued with references to last year’s election in Argentina and assured that Massa carried out a “negative campaign promoted from Brazil”, because advisors from that country came at the time to collaborate with the race for the House. Rosada from the former head of the Treasury Palace. “Wasn’t that aggressive? Who was the counterpart? Are they going to apologize to me for the lies they told? Those who lied demand forgiveness because one told them the truth? Come on,” the President complained and that was when he sentenced: “We must put ourselves above these trifles because the interests of Argentines and Brazilians are more important than the inflamed ego of some lefty.”.

Totally different was the reference made by the head of state about the Pope Franciscosince it was shown again regretful for having told him that he was the “representative of the evil one” on Earth.

“Even though we had a different vision and different interpretations of the sacred scriptures, The qualifiers I used did not deserve them, because I was wrong. I was telling him something for thinking differently. He doesn’t have to buy my argument from Samuel 8, from Saint Luke. I think it has to do with his perspective as a Jesuit, but at the time I fell into the trap of believing that it was a question of nature because he is a Peronist. Was my mistakethat’s why I answered the way I answered. And when I began to unravel about issues related to the sacred scriptures… I don’t put it in a political light, it has to do with their reading. There are things that I agree with and things that I don’t. It’s his interpretation, who said that mine is the correct one? “, he said after the differences were settled and both had met in a private audience at the Vatican.


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