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President Petro, failed La Guajira

What has come to light with the Petro government causes disgust, anger and discontent. A guy disguised as a progressive arrived in La Guajira promising change, now, with his back turned to social reality, he goes out to wash his hands as if nothing had happened, asserting that the problem is that some cachacos came and stole. Mr. President Petro, do not be irresponsible, respect the guajiros, those cachacos, like Olmedo López, you named them; All this corruption scaffolding was orchestrated from the Nariño Palace, right under their noses, with high-level officials such as Luis Fernando Velasco and Carlos Ramón González. And it must be made clear that not all are cachacos, there are also guajiros, like Bonifacio Palmar, former mayor of Uribia, who God gave an opportunity with COVID and was saved but to act badly, like so many of our leaders, politicized and kneeling to the power of the day.

Also the arrogant secretary general of the Chamber, Jaime Lacouture, who has graduated from the corrupt school of Ñoño Elías; Likewise, Germán “Manchi” Mejía, from Uribía, who when he was a deputy approved a loan of 200 million dollars to the corrupt former governor José Luis González for the water revolution, money that is not known where it ended up and, as if As if not enough, his daughter María Alejandra Mejía, director of the UNGRD, is also part of this carousel. Although they are guajiros, they do not act as such, they are despicable individuals, who only think about themselves and getting rich.
And Senator Marta Peralta is not spared either; columnist Yohir Akerman has mentioned her in several columns as part of this entire plot, which has La Guajira in a historic crisis, the worst. Anyway, Senator Martha Peralta has a lot to clarify, she must explain if she also has business in health with Luis Carlos Arizmendi, who spends time with his brother Alcides Peralta and also say what happens at the Family Welfare Institute with his pupil Rodrigo Elías Daza.

Although, being balanced, the Guajiro people are not only victims, for example, those 20,000 people who sold their vote for an Antioquia senator, Carlos Andrés Trujillo, the mastermind of this whole disaster, are also responsible; They are ignorant people who do not value their vote and prefer to exchange it for a day of rum, food or a pint of gasoline, miserable people who sell themselves for nothing and harm many, so it is very difficult for the territory to improve, because in addition, in La Guajira Like in Cesar, Magdalena, Atlántico and throughout Colombia there is a huge sociological complex, they admire the corrupt, they see them as synonyms of success, that is why people love to have them in their homes and take photos with them.

Indigenous of La Guajira. Photo: The Empty Chair.

It is true that all governments have stolen La Guajira and that local politicians have not been left behind, but what the Petro government has done exceeded all expectations, from an entity attached to the Casa de Nariño, they used the department to develop a mafia strategy in just 4 months, to finance political campaigns and buy Congress to pass the reforms, something that not even the savage and corrupt right dared to do. President Petro can say mass, but don’t tell us that he didn’t know and that his honorability is not at stake. In La Guajira, more than 1.5 billion pesos were stolen to fill the pockets of his political allies. . And they did it through community pots, jagüeyes, tank trucks, mills, etc., and if it were not for the media, no one would have stopped this theft fair.

75 billion pesos, to make 1,376 jagüeyes just for Uribia, a municipality of 8,200 square kilometers, is something enormous. They wanted to make a Venice in the desert, they only needed the gondolas. Definitely, corruption is something despicable, but more so in a town overwhelmed by hunger, unemployment and poverty, mired in permanent blockades that do not provide any solution.

I hope the Prosecutor’s Office complies with La Guajira and issues the first arrest warrants before those involved flee, because we are tired of being looted and robbed, before from the right and now from the left. President Petro apologize to La Guajira, don’t be so shameless.


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