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They celebrated the paving of the last streets in Clotario Blest Gana

Neighbors of the Coyhaican population expressed their satisfaction with this urban advance.

With the participation of leaders, authorities and neighbors, the inauguration ceremony of pavements executed in several streets and passages of the second and third stages of the Clotario Blest Rifo Population of Coyhaique was held.

This is a project selected in the so-called No. 31 of the Participatory Paving Program of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (Minvu), which was carried out with an investment close to 320 million pesos from the Minvu and the Regional Government, which assumed the quota that corresponded to the municipality and the neighbors themselves.

With these resources, more than 460 linear meters of roads and sidewalks were paved, which in this case represents about nine blocks of Williams Sanders, Regidor Osvaldo Alinco and Juan Panterriu streets, which were a long-standing demand of the residents of the sector.

In this way, the movement, security and quality of life of at least 270 families that have been giving life to this great neighborhood that has been in existence for more than two decades is favored.

The mayor of Coyhaique Carlos Gatica highlighted the completion of these works that will be complemented with other advances also aimed at improving the lives of the neighborhood’s families.

“We would also like to thank the Regional Government because it approved the resources that the municipality did not have at the time to be able to complete this work. “We continue to advance in the recovery of two multi-courts that are in this sector, which was a commitment that we also acquired, and that are part of the recovery of public spaces, sidewalks and streets,” he indicated.

The Seremi of Housing (S) Rodrigo Díaz highlighted the work and joint commitment that make it possible to carry out projects as relevant to the community as paving.

“When the State is articulated through the Ministry, through the municipality, through the Regional Government, ultimately the only beneficiaries are the neighbors. And that is what we celebrate here today and highlight together with the leaders,” he said.

For the president of the Neighborhood Council, Sandra Vargas, this is a source of great pride for the community, an advance that must be recognized and valued.

“Thank our authorities Today we have a beautiful street and those were the three streets we were missing, so we already have our entire population paved, thanks to our dynamics and thanks to our authorities,” he said.

The regional presidential delegate (S), Samuel Navarro, agreed to highlight these paving works as an example of coordination and shared commitment, key elements to build the cities and the region that we all dream of.

“We call to continue promoting this joint work to improve people’s quality of life. That is the call that we make as a Government permanently, that is the work that we do and ask for for the benefit of our community,” he stated.

The authorities recalled that based on the approved projects, more than seven linear kilometers of streets and passages are being paved in several communes in the region, with an investment that exceeds 7.3 billion pesos.

In the coming months, selected projects will begin where works are contemplated for another 2,400 million pesos, resources that will allow intervention in streets, passages and sidewalks in locations such as Puerto Aysén, Puyuhuapi, Villa Ñirehuao, Caleta Tortel or Coyhaique, among others.

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