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76 negative image points

None of them approved, because all of them, the 21, ended up with more rejections than support. But theirs turned out to be directly disastrous: a new national survey measured 8 leaders of the ruling party and 13 of the opposition, and Máximo Kirchner stood out for his record against: came to 76 negative image points.

The data appears in the latest study of D’Alessio IROL – Berensztein. These are two consulting firms that have been working together for years and prepare an interesting monthly report, under the name “Social and Political Humor Monitor”. The periodicity allows, in addition to the “photo”, to evaluate how the “movie” is coming.

The study was based on a survey of 1,140 online cases throughout the country, interviewed on May 30 and 31. As always, as a starter, the report summarizes the main results in 10 conclusions. They say like this:

“The positive assessment of the economic situation current consolidated at 31%, after exhibiting five months of month-on-month improvement in a row. While 52% of LLA voters in the runoff have a positive view of the current economy, among UP voters that figure drops to 4%.”

“With respect to the economic expectations For next year, the prospects for improvement outweighed the prospects for worsening. 49% of the population believes that the economy will be better within a year (the highest figure since March 2020), while 45% assess that it will be worse. This trend is explained by the high optimism for the future among LLA voters (83%)”.

“He government of Javier Milei He served six months in office, achieving a 45% approval and one 54% disapproval. This implies slight variations compared to the previous month: while approval grew one point, disapproval fell two points. “In general terms, it appears from the data that discharge levels have remained without significant variations since February 2024.”

“Between the UP votershe 98% expressed a negative opinion of Milei’s management, continuing the trend of the previous month. Among LLA voters, approval remains at 77%, remaining at similar levels since January.

“The general decline in major concerns recorded in April was replicated in May. For the first time since January 2021, inflation is no longer the issue that worries Argentines the most, falling almost 25 percentage points since Milei took office (from 90% in November and December 2023 to 66% in May 2024). The first place was taken by economic uncertainty, which accumulated 68%. Equal in second place with inflation is insecurity (66%), which rose three points compared to April.”

“By segmenting by vote, we can find that the agenda of concerns of the LLA followers It consists of attention to insecurity (80%), impunity for Kirchnerist corruption (72%) and inflation (59%). For the UP followersyour ranking of concerns is completed with the economic uncertainty (88%)the adjustments made by the government (86%) and inflation (74%)”.

“In May None of the political leaders surveyed obtained a positive differential. Patricia Bullrich heads the ranking of positive image with 48%. Behind her are Victoria Villarruel (46%), Javier Milei (43%) and Diana Mondino (40%). The president’s image again experienced almost insignificant variations compared to last month: both the positive assessment of his figure and the negative one rose 1 point.

“When analyzing the positive image by vote, it is observed that the LLA voters value Patricia Bullrich (85%) and Victoria Villarruel (80%) more. For their part, those of U.P. maintain a special appreciation for Axel Kicillof (79%)“.

“Among those surveyed, a 55% agree with President Milei making international trips to meet with businessmen. However, half of that 55% state that on these trips the president should also meet with senior leaders of the countries he visits. Segmented by vote, 86% of those who voted for LLA consider the president’s trips to meet with businessmen positive, while 80% of UP voters consider them negative. The medium-high socioeconomic sector is the one that values ​​these trips the best, with 75% approval.”

“43% of respondents believe that changes in the cabinet will not generate any impact on the management of the government, while 38% consider that they will speed up decision-making. The difference in perception of this issue is strongly impacted by the political position of the respondents. “88% of UP voters indicate that the changes will not have significant repercussions or, in any case, will hinder decision-making, while 66% of LLA voters view the changes with optimism.”

Top 10

With that logic, the “least bad” are mostly the pro-government ones. But as happens in other surveys, Milei does not lead but rather Patricia Bullrich and Victoria Villarruel. The President has 44% positive and 52% negativewhile the minister combines + 48% and – 50%; and the vice, + 46% and – 49%.

Below comes the recently confirmed chancellor Diana Mondinowith + 40% and – 52%. And fifth was the libertarian deputy José Luis Espertalready launched into the race for the governorship: + 37% and – 54%.

The other five leaders who complete the top of the table already mix opponents:

Rogelio Frigerio (governor of Entre Ríos): + 36% and – 43%.

Guillermo Francos (Minister of interior): + 36% and – 46%.

Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires governor): + 36% and – 61%.

Luis Caputo (Economy Minister): + 35% and – 53%.

Mauricio Macri (former president): + 34% and – 60%.

In all cases, 100% is completed with a percentage of “does not know/does not answer”.

The 11 worst

Regarding the bottom of the ranking, there is opposition and Kirchnerist preeminence. And there the worst, by far, is Máximo Kirchner. The head of La Cámpora and head of the Buenos Aires PJ is the only one with more than 70 points of negative (-76%) and the differential against him reaches -61, because he adds only 15% positive.

As an excuse/consolation for Máximo Kirchner, in this survey former president Alberto Fernández does not appearwho in some polls exceeded 80 rejection points.

If the parameter is the negative image, four other leaders are beaten because they have 60% or more against it. Are:

Cristina Kirchner (former president): + 29% and – 64%.

Juan Grabois (piquetero reference): + 31% and – 62%.

Florencio Randazzo (deputy of Hacemos): + 22% and – 60%.

The fourth is Macri, who was already mentioned in the table above, because when ordered by positive image, with his 34 points in favor he finishes tenth. Of the rest of the backgroundare all opponents except Karina Milei. With these numbers:

Waldo Wolff (Buenos Aires Minister of Security): + 26% and – 53%.

Alfredo Cornejo (governor of Mendoza): + 25% and – 49%.

Cristian Ritondo (head of the PRO block in Deputies): + 25% and – 54%.

Jorge Macri (head of Buenos Aires Government): + 25% and – 57%.

Karina Milei (Secretary of the Presidency): + 24% and – 58%.

Maximiliano Pullaro (governor of Santa Fe): + 23% and – 45%.

Martin Llaryora (governor of Córdoba): + 15% and – 58%.

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