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nine former presidents and vice presidents earned between $5 and $21 million in May

In total, last month they amounted to $112.3 million.

The National State currently pays 9 lifetime pensions to former presidents and former vice presidents for having held the first office, and another four to three widows and a daughter of former leaders. The values ​​range from $5 to $21 million, in the case of Cristina Kirchner, who receives two allowances, since she also receives income as the widow of Néstor Kirchner.

This is a benefit established in Law 24,018 that provides a lifetime pension for leaders and their vice presidents when they leave office. The salary is equivalent to the remuneration of the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice, in the case of those who exercised the first magistracy, and three quarters of that amount for the vice presidents.

The figure exceeds what Javier Milei earns today as the maximum head of the Executive Branch, $4,066,018 gross. The libertarian had announced at the opening of the ordinary sessions in Congress that he wanted to repeal this norm, but in the session in the Lower House 10 days ago in which the retirement recomposition was approved, the article that proposed ending the retirements of privilege for former leaders and their vice presidents was rejected, so they are still in force, Infobae published.

The exclusion of that article from the text that received half a sanction generated a flood of criticism from Milei, who presented a formal note to the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) in which he reported his “unwavering decision” not to practice. the right to privileged retirement” granted by the lifetime monthly allowances regime. “The events that occurred yesterday (for the session of June 5) in the Honorable Congress of the Nation show, once again, that our political class is more concerned with maintaining its delusional privileges than with working to reverse the model that has failed in the last century. After having experienced for decades the disastrous consequences of unbridled public spending, it is imperative that political leaders set an example and adopt concrete measures to contain the budget deficit,” he said in the letter sent to the organism.

In total, in the month of May, these 13 privilege pensions meant $112,323,691, gross, according to data reported by ANSES to Infobae based on a request for Access to Public Information. This monthly amount is equivalent to 432 minimum retirements which, in May, was $260,141, including the $70,000 bonus. Of the 7.4 million retirees and pensioners, just over 5 million receive the minimum salary with bonuses. In the year, these 13 lifetime remunerations are equivalent to $1,460 million, in today’s value.

The one who earned the most in May was Cristina Kirchner, since she receives two privilege allocations: a total of $21,629,116 gross, the equivalent of 83 minimum retirements. The sum is made up of $12,052,877 (gross) for her role as her former president, and $9,576,240 as the widow of Néstor Kirchner. After the discounts, in hand, she received $12,167,591 for both benefits.

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