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Workers at the wax plant maintain their commitments

Calixto (Majibacoa), Las Tunas.- The socioeconomic development of the municipality of Majibacoa in particular, and of the province of Las Tunas in general, has an important pillar in the Wax Plant Base Business Unit, belonging to the Sugar Company of the territory and the only one of its kind in Cuba.

The entity is made up of two production lines, according to its director Arnaldo Hechavarría Alonso, who reported that in the area destined for raw wax an investment is being made because the reserves of that raw material, accumulated for three decades, are decreasing. He noted that the rehabilitation exceeds 70 percent of what was planned and must be completed before August 31.

He added that the production of refined wax has been affected by the lack of fuel, but the plans are maintained since the product is mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of Policosanol or PPG. However, he acknowledged that it has other uses.

He said that the group has sought variants with the University of Las Tunas and the National Center for Scientific Research to make alternative productions that generate additional income, which brings benefits to the workers and the economy of the entity.

Hechavarría Alonso explained that, in addition to refined wax, they obtain liquid and solid preservative oil, candles, bitumen, soaps and other items, which have reported more than two million pesos. He pointed out that they intend to venture into other important products such as a lubricating oil that sugar mills demand.

Keeping the unit in operation is a commitment of the collective, in which the will of the workers to undertake new routes and overcome obsolete technology, instability in electricity generation and other difficulties that currently exist stands out.



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