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700 municipalities in Colombia are at risk of landslides

In the most recent report delivered by environmental authorities, the number of municipalities on alert for landslides has experienced a significant increase in Colombia, reaching a total of 700 locations, under some level of risk.

This was stated by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam). In addition, Ideam reported that there are 252 municipalities that are on red alert, alerts are concentrated mainly in the Andean, Caribbean, Pacific, Orinoquía and Amazon regions.

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For her part, Tatiana Sierra, head of the Ideam Alerts and Forecasts office, pointed out that, “For the next few days, rain is expected due to the passage of tropical waves; However, in the coming weeks the tropical clone season would arrive in the country and later in September the La Niña phenomenon would arrive in the country.”

In the midst of emergencies and alerts, The department of Antioquia leads the list with 73 municipalities on alert, followed by Chocó with 21 and Cauca with 13 municipalities affected by the risk of landslides.

The situation is worrying due to the possible worsening due to the intense and heavy rains predicted for various areas of the country.

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In turn, the situation could worsen at the national level, with an increase in rains since they could be more intense and stronger in the south of the department of La Guajira, Magdalena, Cesar, Atlántico, Bolívar, south of Sucre, north of Antioquia , Santander, north and east of Norte de Santander, north of Boyacá.

Also Rains are expected in other departments such as Cundinamarca, Risaralda, Chocó, center and west of Valle del Cauca, Cauca and NariñoArauca, north and west of Casanare, Vichada, Guañía, center and east of Meta, Vaupés, and east and north of Amazonas.

Finally, the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies of Ideam He called on the population to remain alert.and follow the daily reports issued by environmental, coastal and risk management authorities.

In turn, he pointed out that It is crucial that the community is prepared and takes the necessary preventive measures to protect itself against possible landslides. that may occur in these high-risk areas.

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