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The Undergraduate and Postgraduate Collation was held at the Faculty of Humanities

June 18, 2024 – 11:34

As a culmination of the celebration of Humanities Week, last Friday afternoon the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Collation was held at the Faculty of Humanities. The event took place in the Aula Magna of the National University of Catamarca, which was filled with friends, university officials, teachers, family and special guests.

Present, representing the rector and acting as Rectorate, were the dean of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Lic. Beatriz López; the dean of Humanities, Dr. Lilia Exeni; the vice dean, Lic. Miguel Ángel Márquez; deans and management teams of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, Economic Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, Law, Technology and School of Archeology.

Representing the graduates of the class, Candela Eliana Cejas, from the Faculty of Letters career, spoke. She also gave the message from the Dean of Humanities: “Today is a day of celebration for our faculty and also for the National University of Catamarca; 140 graduates will receive their degrees to begin a path committed to the education and development of our beloved province. We are convinced that we have provided all the tools that Argentine public education offers, free and quality education, which constitute the fruits of a university sustained over time by its trajectory and permanent updating.”

Then he added: “In recent times, in a country polarized by ideological differences and partisan interests, university students knew how to demonstrate conviction and solidarity when defending the substantive principles of the public system that makes us proud before the world. Proof of this has been the participation in the historic federal march on April 23, where, with the support of the entire community, we were able to agree on common objectives to strengthen the university that sustains us.”

And he concluded: “Dear young people, today you have to cross the threshold of the institution that has formed you to enter the fabric of other institutions and organizations. We hope that this new stage is also pleasant, unforgettable, that you begin to enjoy everything you studied and learned. We will be here training new generations of university students and thinking about training projects for our graduates. We invite you to return because this will always be an academic home, preserve the best memories of your teachers, your classmates, the non-teaching staff and these old and wise walls, which will keep the best anecdotes of a precious time. .

The cultural event was led by the UNCA Extension Secretariat, with a tango piece performed by teachers Noelia Leguizamón, Silvia Guzmán and Oscar Fuentes.

The new professionals belong to the careers of Teaching in Literature, Curriculum Complementation Cycle of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work, Curriculum Complementation Cycle of Bachelor of Social Work, Teaching in English, National Public Translator in English, Teaching in Sciences of Education, Curricular Complementation Cycle for a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences, Teaching in Philosophy, Curriculum Complementary Cycle for a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, Teaching in French, National Public Translator in French, Bachelor’s Degree in French, Teaching in History, Bachelor’s Degree in History, Teaching in Geography, Curriculum Complementation Cycle for Degree in Geography, Curricular Complementation Cycle for Degree in Social Communication, Curricular Complementation Cycle for Degree in Psychopedagogy, Curricular Complementation Cycle for Degree in Educational Management, Curricular Complementation Cycle for Degree in Education Special, Specialization in Didactics and Curriculum and Specialization in Social and Cultural Studies.

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