12 movies in which the villains are artificial intelligences and robots

There are times when science fiction and horror are united by a common denominator: the presence of robots and artificial intelligence. After all, human beings have been working alongside machines for a long time, either using them or programming them to work automatically.

Anyone has had problems with electronic devices used on a daily basis: a photocopier that fails at the right moment, a mobile phone that stops working for no apparent reason, a faulty electrical system that prevents a modern car from starting. .. Although there are times when the problems are much worse. For example, in the cinema, so here you go 12 movies in which robots and AIs are the main villain.

‘Terminator’ (1984)

  • What is it about: The list begins with a true essential, since James Cameron’s film is a science fiction myth. Arnold Schwarzenegger puts himself in the shoes—or rather, in the circuits1—of an android that arrives on Earth with a clear objective: to locate and murder Sarah Connor.
  • Where to see it: Filmin.

‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968)

  • What is it about: If ‘Terminator’ is essential, Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece is no less. HAL 9000 is an artificial intelligence in charge of managing all the systems of a manned spacecraft on a NASA mission. A supercomputer designed to help science, in theory…
  • Where to see it: Max.

‘I, Robot’ (2004)

  • What is it about: The science fiction film starring Will Smith is set in the year 2035, in an era in which robots accompany people during their daily tasks. These machines do not cause problems for their creators, although a strange murder causes a detective to distrust them and immerse himself in an investigation, the result of which is much more terrifying than he could imagine.
  • Where to see it: Disney+.

‘Prometheus’ (2012)

  • What is it about: It is the prequel to ‘Alien’, so it is essential to understand the origins of the story of Ridley Scott’s saga. In this film, a group of scientists embark on a journey to a remote planet with the intention of finding answers about creation. They have the help of David 8, a completely helpful android who helps them at all times. It is assumed…
  • Where to see it: Disney+.

‘Forbidden Planet’ (1956)

  • What is it about: A true science fiction classic, in which the crew of a starship in the 23rd century goes to investigate the colony of a distant planet. There they will find two survivors: a powerful robot and the remains of a lost civilization.
  • Where to see it: Filmin and Movistar Plus+.

‘Rise of the Machines’ (1986)

  • What is it about: Stephen King’s science fiction and horror film is set in 1986, the year in which a gigantic comet flies over planet Earth for three days. This event causes, in some way, the machines to fail. Initially, everyone thinks that they have broken down and will have to be replaced with new ones, although that is the least of the problems, since it turns out that they have taken on a life of their own and their intentions are not exactly friendly.
  • Where to see it: Prime Video.

‘RoboCop’ (1987)

  • What is it about: RoboCop (Peter Weller) has faced all kinds of criminals and other dangers, but none as ferocious as ED-209, a gigantic robot deployed against the unmistakable officer by Dick Jones.
  • Where to see it: Filmin

‘Galactic, the universe at war’ (1978)

  • What is it about: Cyclones are a cybernetic species that is at war against the Twelve Colonies of Kobol in the ‘Battlestar Gallactica’ franchise. In the original story, the Cyclones belong to a reptilian race, while in the 2003 reimagining they are said to have been created by humans, but subsequently rebelled against them.
  • Where to see it: not available in streaming.

‘I am Mother’ (2019)

  • What is it about: In a post-apocalyptic future in which humans are close to extinction, a girl is created by a robot in an advanced nuclear shelter. The machine acts as her mother and takes care of her at all times, but the relationship between the two becomes strained as the little girl grows.
  • Where to see it: Netflix.

‘Westworld’ (1973)

  • What is it about: The popular HBO series was based on this film by Michael Crichton, in which people can enjoy a gigantic amusement park called Delos. The park is full of androids, whose design and way of behaving make it impossible to differentiate them from a human being. Park-goers have the opportunity to live personalized adventures, although things don’t always go as they had in mind…
  • Where to see it: not available in streaming

‘Lethal Machine’ (1995)

  • What is it about: A woman who has just been appointed director of an advanced weapons factory decides to investigate the strange death of the person who was previously in charge. The investigation leads to a duel to the death against a psychotic obsessed with weapons development, to the point that his creations take on a life of their own.
  • Where to see it: not available in streaming

‘Viruses’ (1999)

  • What is it about: A group of sailors find a gigantic Russian ship adrift and decide to enter it with the intention of looking for something of value. The weather is extreme and a thunderstorm shakes the boat, causing its electronic components to fail. From that moment on, the crew begins to disappear and the survivors notice that something is not right.
  • Where to see it: not available in streaming.

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