Trailer for ‘Platonic Love’, a romantic comedy with the same passion for the philosophy of ‘Merlí’ – Video

Trailer for ‘Platonic Love’, a romantic comedy with the same passion for the philosophy of ‘Merlí’ – Video
Trailer for ‘Platonic Love’, a romantic comedy with the same passion for the philosophy of ‘Merlí’ – Video

Continuing with the passion for the philosophy that ‘Merlí’ and ‘Merlí: Sapere Aude’ exudeVicente Bonet delves into Plato’s lessons as the backbone of his debut work, but with a focus closer to ‘Before Dawn’. ‘Platonic Love’ is a romantic comedy starring two teenagersplayed by Marina Varem and David Parra (‘Moebius’), who live a night full of emotions and reflections.

Noah is a 17-year-old boy who visits Luna to help her with the philosophy exam she has the next day. Luna is a girl who questions everything and who prefers to spend the night thinking about her boyfriend rather than studying. Plato’s dialectic intersects with his experiences on a night where they will end up leaving the cave to discover the true meaning of Platonic Love.

This is the synopsis of ‘Platonic Love’, Bonet’s first feature film to hit limited theaters. Its premiere will be on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at the Little Cinema Studio in Madrid where it can be seen for a week. Subsequently, the film will travel to cinemas in Valencia, Melilla, Barcelona, ​​Seville and Córdoba, among others, during the months of June and July. After its tour in theaters, The goal is for this indie film to reach streaming platforms.

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