They discover a naked person in this animated Disney film – Movie news

They discover a naked person in this animated Disney film – Movie news
They discover a naked person in this animated Disney film – Movie news

It happened in a film from the seventies and several years later, the hidden detail came to light and the physical format of the film contains the indisputable proof

Disney movies are well known for having some hidden details among their productions, such as when Zootopia incognito announced the launch of Moana, Frozen 2 and others. But There are also cases in which an image not suitable for minors slips into a production classified for the general public; this happened with Bernardo and Bianca in 1977.

The plot of this classic from the House of Mouse follows a pair of little mice from the Rescue Society who discover that the evil Madame Medusa (Geraldine Page) has kidnapped a young orphan girl so they embark on a journey in search of her. Bernardo (Bob Newhart) and Bianca (Eva Gabor) enlist the help of several animals to save young Penny (Michelle Stacy) and stop Medusa and her group of unscrupulous treasure hunters.

The film’s classification is indicated for all ages and due to the premise of the plot, the characters and the general tenderness of the work, everything seems to fit. However, Criticism began to be heard when a rumor arose that a naked woman appears in a frame of the animation, something that was confirmed when the film came out on VHS. (yes, that cassette format on which we watched our favorite classics).

The photo of this topless woman appears very quickly in the background when the pair of mice travel at full speed riding a sardine can. The fact that the image was inserted in a moment of intense action meant that the detail went somewhat unnoticed by many, but not enough to prevent it from reaching Disney.

At the time, The company announced that the element was added during post-production and without the knowledge of the studio, apologized and had to withdraw more than three million copies of the film from the market. Some versions claim that it was a joke by someone on the team, others mention that it was a form of protest that came from the same group of animators.

In any case, a corrected version of Bernardo and Bianca later went on sale and due to this controversy Sales of the film skyrocketed, as the version of the “mistake” became a sought-after collector’s item.

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