The Marvel Cinematic Universe loses a key piece

The Marvel Cinematic Universe loses a key piece
The Marvel Cinematic Universe loses a key piece

One of the great architects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is leaving the franchise to dedicate himself to other projects.

Although he was not at the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kevin Wright has been fundamental since Doctor Strange (2016), since from then on he has become one of the most influential producers, especially in the multiverse saga and the series Loki.

Now, according to THRKevin Wright has left the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he wants to move forward with his career and will begin producing original film and television projects independently.

Kevin Wright has confirmed this saying:

“I am incredibly proud of my contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and grateful for my time at Marvel Studios and The Walt Disney Company. “The industry has changed dramatically during my nearly decade with the company, and I can no longer ignore my desire to produce original films and television independently.”

“I extend my love and gratitude to everyone at Marvel Studios. I wrote a 30-page speech about what Loki could be. He had TVA, He Who Remains and Victor Timely was even there. And before we had writers or directors or anything like that, we basically pitched it to Tom Hiddleston, because he was like, I don’t want to ruin this wonderful arc that I’ve had for the last ten years. What is this exactly? So that excited him.”

One of the most epic and surprising twists in the MCU.


In the Loki series, we can see how the God of Mischief ascends to a new role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe becoming the God of Time.

Far from being the villain we once knew, Loki has discovered his true purpose: to be the savior of the multiverse. A titanic mission that turns him into the God of Stories himself, as he is known in the comics.

To fulfill this destiny, Loki makes a radical decision: destroy the Temporal Loom. This act, far from being destructive, has a crucial objective: to prevent the infinite ramifications of the multiverse from dying.

With his divine powers, Loki breathes life into each of these temporal branches, giving them the strength to continue existing and expanding. In this way, he stands as the guardian of these infinite realities.

In a shocking final scene, Loki sits on a throne at the center of time, assuming the colossal responsibility of ensuring the balance of the multiverse. The camera slowly zooms out, revealing that the timelines he saved form the silhouette of a tree.

This image is not coincidental, as it is a clear reference to Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life or Tree of Worlds in Norse mythology. In this context, Yggdrasil symbolizes the infinite realities that make up the MCU multiverse, all of them united and protected by the new God of Time.


Loki’s transformation not only redefines the character played by Tom Hiddleston, but also marks a before and after in the narrative structure of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we have to thank Kevin Wright.

You can watch Loki on the Disney Plus streaming platform.

Plus, you can talk to me about all things Marvel on my new X (Twitter) account.

David Larrad

He studied Audiovisual Production of Shows and Television at the Foundation for Audiovisual Education. She completed a Master of Graphic and 3D Design.

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