The Acolyte breaks Anakin’s unique origin after 25 years

The Acolyte breaks Anakin’s unique origin after 25 years
The Acolyte breaks Anakin’s unique origin after 25 years

MADRID, June 12. (CultureLeisure) –

The Acolyte just released his third episode and in it a lot of context has been given to Osha and Mae’s pastthe protagonist twins played by Amanda Stenberg. But, in addition, the new Star Wars series seems to have united their lives, and especially their origin, irremediably like that of Anakin Skywalker.


In the chapter it is revealed that The two sisters lived on the planet Brendok, raised by a coven of Force-sensitive witches. But when the Jedi arrived on the scene to offer to train them, the big secret is revealed. “Where is your father?”, Master Indara asks. “They don’t have a father“, responds Mother Aniseya, leader of the group, bluntly.

The conversation quickly shifts into other directions, but Star Wars fans will have immediately recognized something very familiar. Yeah Mae and Osha have no fatherthat would mean that They have been generated by the Force. Exactly the same thing that happened with Anakin Skywalker, as his mother, Shmi, explained to Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: Ep. I – The Phantom Menace

“There was no father. I carried him inside, I gave birth to him, I raised him. “I don’t know how to explain what happened,” said little Anakin’s mother. This was what finally convinced Qui-Gon that he was the one. Chosen one who would restore balance to the Force and thus defended him before the Jedi Council.

But now, Star Wars has made that virgin birth is not something unique. Something that is insisted upon later in The Acolyte. The witches argue over whether to let Osha take the Jedi tests or not. There it is revealed that the one who gave birth to Osha and Mae was actually Mother Koril. Quite a surprise since she is of the Zabrak species while the two girls are human.

“I didn’t bring girls into the world to have them taken from us by a band of demented monks,” defends Koril against Aniseya, which is working to allow them to take the Jedi test. “I took them inside“the first insists again.”And I created them“, answers the second.

These words lead us to think of a very sinister power typical of the Dark Side. In the Star Wars comics it was confirmed a few years ago that In the conception of Anakin Skywalker it was Palpatine who altered the Force and the midichlorians so that the fetus was generated in Shmi’s womb without a male. And although it is not specified, everything indicates that Mother Aniseya did the same to father the protagonists of The Acolyte.

“What will happen if the Jedi find out how you created them?“, Koril tells him. Again, the series then changes gears to focus on Osha’s test. But it seems evident that the Force power of these witches was so great that they were capable of creating life. That’s why the Jedi fear them so muchsince this type of use, to give life, was typical of the Dark Side and the Sith.

In any case, The Acolyte has confirmed that Anakin’s birth was not as unique as believed. Although it is still something extraordinary and very rare in the galaxy, the episode demonstrates that Palpatine was not the only being sensitive to the Force with a power high enough to create life.

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