Four sessions a week, 6,000 calories… and cereals: David Corenswet’s Superman diet

Four sessions a week, 6,000 calories… and cereals: David Corenswet’s Superman diet
Four sessions a week, 6,000 calories… and cereals: David Corenswet’s Superman diet

David Corenswet preparing to be Superman

The new face of Superman in the long-awaited movie superman, David Corenswet, has surprised followers and critics with his impressive physical transformation. This change has been possible thanks to a rigorous training regimen and a strictly controlled diet, all guided by his personal trainer, Paolo Mascitti. The film, scheduled for release on July 11, 2025, required extraordinary physical preparation, and Corenswet has spared no effort to embody the iconic superhero.

Corenswet’s physical preparation began five months before the film’s production began. Paolo Mascitti designed an intense training plan that required sessions three to four times a week, each lasting approximately two hours. The method was based on a cycle of three and four days, focused on pushing, pulling and leg exercisesprimarily employing compound movements that involved multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

The coach explained that the program included exercises such as presses, pull ups, pull downs and rows, essential for developing strength and muscle mass. The key to the actor’s success lay in the progressive overload technique, which consists of gradually increasing the weight and number of repetitions to stimulate muscle growth. Mascitti highlighted the importance of constantly monitoring these variables to ensure Corenswet stayed on track toward its goal.

Corenswet also followed an extremely controlled diet to achieve the caloric surplus necessary to gain muscle mass. Consuming nearly 6,000 calories daily, the diet contained a high amount of protein and carbohydrates to fuel his muscles and provide the energy required for his intense training sessions.. Mascitti commented that, although there were some deviations, such as the occasional consumption of cerealsCorenswet maintained a firm commitment to his eating regimen.

David Corenswet in a publication from his personal trainer

The actor’s strict diet included lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and egg whites, as well as complex carbohydrates from oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. He also supplemented with protein shakes and other sports supplements to ensure that he was receiving all the nutrients necessary for his muscle development. The transformation process was not without challenges. Corenswet found lunges, a fundamental exercise for strengthening and toning the legs, particularly difficult. However, he showed admirable performance in other exercises such as squats, highlighting his determination and ability to overcome.

As the premiere of superman -formerly known as Superman: Legacy-, the anticipation to see Corenswet on the big screen grows. Both Mascitti and Corenswet have expressed their eagerness to share more details of the regime they have followed. The coach has highlighted the actor’s dedication and tireless effort, noting that his commitment has been fundamental to achieving the transformation required for the role. David Corenswet has kept his followers up to date with his physical progress through his social media, showing his progress and giving a behind-the-scenes look at his preparation. This transparency has not only inspired many fans, but has also increased anticipation for his portrayal of Superman.

In conclusion, the combination of a strict diet and an intense training regimen, supervised by Paolo Mascitti, has allowed David Corenswet to transform into the next Superman. As the film’s release date approaches, anticipation continues to build, and fans are eager to see the end result of months of hard work and dedication. Without a doubt, Corenswet is ready to fly high in his new role as the Man of Steel.

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