Eddie Murphy gives very good news about ‘Shrek 5’ and the Donkey spin-off

The universe of Shrek is about to return. The saga, one of the most beloved of the entire 21st century, will have a fifth installment, as announced just over two years ago. In addition, there were also rumors of the possibility of giving Donkey, one of its most popular characters, its own spin-off. All of this is going to happen and Eddie Murphythe original voice of the friendly animal, has offered great news for all the fans who are eagerly awaiting it.

In an interview given to Collider to promote Super Detective in Hollywood 4, Murphy revealed the current status of these productions. “We started doing Shrek 5 4 or 5 months ago. I have done this: I have recorded the first act and we will do the rest this year, we will finish it,” confirms the interpreter. Therefore, DreamWorks’ plans are to conclude with the dubbing of the film throughout 2024. That would point to a very close release date. “I think it will be released in 2025,” he also assures. Murphy.

The most beloved ogre in the history of cinema will return with a new adventure 24 years after the release of the original film. The aforementioned interpreter will return to Shrek 5 as Donkey. And although it is not official yet, it is expected that Michael Myers and Cameron Diaz also resume once again their roles as Shrek and Fiona. And it would be very difficult for the public to imagine these legendary characters without the voices that have been behind them for so long.

The donkey spin-off

But, in addition to giving this great news about Shrek 5, Eddie Murphy has confirmed that his character is going to have his own spin-off. “Shrek will be released and Donkey will have his own movie. Let’s do the Donkey“says the actor. Despite being one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise, DreamWorks has always kept Donkey as a sidekick to the main character.

But the recent success of the second film The cat with boots seems to have shown the company that it can also trust its supporting roles to lead adventures. Thus, Donkey He will take the leap and become the protagonist of his own film. A film that, yes, will not reach theaters until it has been released Shrek 5. Therefore, it is very likely that fans will not be able to see it before 2026 at the earliest.

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