The sonorous track that connects the villain of ‘The Acolyte’ with Kylo Ren

The sonorous track that connects the villain of ‘The Acolyte’ with Kylo Ren
The sonorous track that connects the villain of ‘The Acolyte’ with Kylo Ren

The Star Wars series on Disney+ seems to have established a connection with The Knights of Ren

The revelation of the villain of ‘The Acolyte’ in the splendid fifth episode of the Star Wars series has also come with a fascinating theory associated with it. And that is, if well it is confirmed that we are facing a siththere is a soundtrack that points in another direction… within, yes, the spectrum of the dark side of the Force. Yes, spoilers.

Maybe sith, but maybe notth too

The thing is that Kylo Ren’s theme from the soundtrack of the ‘Star Wars’ sequel trilogy can be heard on occasion, especially in the scene in which Qimir picks up an unconscious woman. osha. This has undoubtedly caught the attention of fans of the saga who have been enthusiastic stating that Qimir could be either a Ren, a title held by Adam Driver’s character, or the original Ren himself.

A theory that is supported by several points: one of them is that he wears a helmet that covers the entire face, something characteristic of the Knights of Ren; The second is that the villain played by Manny Jacinto He never claims to be a Sith, he simply says that’s what the Jedi would call him.

Things would get a little complicated for two reasons, one is that Jacinto himself talks about his character as a Sith Lord. The second is that Kylo’s Knights of Ren would be founded in year 3 after the Battle of Yavin, that is, more than a century after the events of this series. But be careful, because this does not mean that the origins of these Force users (not too powerful either) cannot be traced back to Qimir, at least.

According to what is said, the order of the dark side, the gang of looters, took its name and was founded Inspired by legendary warriors that struck fear centuries ago in the unknown regions. In fact, it is unknown exactly when or how, but it is known that Ren’s alias… and the red lightsaber (which is also called Ren) associated with it, has been passed down for decades.

So it would not be surprising that, although Qimir (supposedly an alias) was a Sith (some suggest that he is actually the apprentice), he could have broken away from the Order at some point and adopted the alias of Ren. A path quite parallel to that of Ben Solowhich left the Jedi order being restored by Luke to follow Ren’s path.

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