This trilogy earned 3 billion dollars: The biggest risk in film history that no one believed – Movie news

This trilogy earned 3 billion dollars: The biggest risk in film history that no one believed – Movie news
This trilogy earned 3 billion dollars: The biggest risk in film history that no one believed – Movie news

No one ever thought that this trilogy would become so legendary and redefine the genres of science fiction and fantasy. After 17 Oscars and $3 billion at the box office, there is no room for doubt about its impact on popular culture.

In the seventh art, it is necessary to take risks to have a great result. Even though no one believed in them, movies like The invisible man, Chucky the devil toy, Nightmare on Elm Street and Final destination ended up being box office hitsand some of them became franchises that continue to this day.

This is what happened to one of the most famous trilogies in the history of cinema. Today, fans of the seventh art, especially of the science fiction and fantasy genre, could not imagine the world without these three works of art that definitively redefined the way of making films. Without them, audiences would have missed out on one of the best films ever to hit the big screen..

In addition to having delighted the public, something that was more than evident with the more than 3 billion dollars accumulated at the box office, the three films obtained a total of 17 Oscar Awards, of which 11 were for the film that closed the trilogy. In the early 2000s, no one had any hope that this fantastic story would be able to attract large audiences, considering it the biggest risk in the history of cinema up to that point..

It was far from clear that Peter Jackson’s ambitious plan to bring the cosmos of JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth to the big screen would actually work; many considered the challenge to be madness. After all, For a long time it was considered that the novels of The Lord of the rings they couldn’t be filmedsomething that was due both to the complexity of the plots and the complex world of fables.

No one really wanted to believe that Tolkien’s creation could be translated to the screen without losing crucial details, however, the results ended up speaking for themselves. Nowadays it is practically unthinkable to consider a life without the existence of Jackson’s tapes.From The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring to The Return of the King, each installment is special in its own right, being one of the best film adaptations.

No one ever thought that this trilogy would become so legendary and redefine the genres of science fiction and fantasy. After so many Oscar Awards and 3 billion dollars at the box office, there is no room for doubt about the impact of The Lord of the rings in popular culture. The tapes of The Lord of the rings are available on Max so you can enjoy one of the most extraordinary phenomena in cinema.

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