The Government congratulated the security forces who acted outside Congress: “They tried to carry out a coup d’état”

The Government congratulated the security forces who acted outside Congress: “They tried to carry out a coup d’état”
The Government congratulated the security forces who acted outside Congress: “They tried to carry out a coup d’état”

The Office of the President congratulated the security forces for the operation in Congress (Photo: AP/Gustavo Garello)

The Government, through the account of the Office of President Javier Milei on the social network In its message, the official publication states that those who demonstrated “They tried to carry out a coup d’état”.

“The Office of the President congratulates the Security Forces for their excellent actions suppressing terrorist groups “that with sticks, stones and even grenades, they tried to perpetrate a coup d’état, attacking the normal functioning of the Argentine National Congress,” the publication states.

In the streets, violence was present throughout the afternoon. Protesters confronted security forces with stones, Molotov cocktails and even grenades. In addition, they caused damage and set cars on fire. At 20, The total number of detainees was 27 people.of which 18 were caught by the City Police and 9 by the Argentine Federal Police.

From early on, social organizations, picketers, leftists, Peronists, human rights organizations, neighborhood assemblies and unions began to gather in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos. Around 2 p.m., the first incidents began, which They had their highest point minutes before 6:00 p.m.when a group of protesters began to cause serious damage, respond to the police with violent attacks and set cars and bicycles on fire.

The objective of that attack, the Government maintains, was none other than interrupt the session which takes place in the premises, where the ruling party hopes to achieve the approval of the Bases Law.

We went to protect Congress and they responded with stones and fires. We responded immediately. Now they will pay one by one for the damage caused and the burned car of Cadena 3, with a cause that will not be slight. Because with us, whoever makes them, pays for them,” the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, published on her social networks.

The strongest clashes took place in front of the historic building, on the Plaza de los dos Congresos. Five officers, two police officers and three gendarmes, were seriously injured and had to be transferred to the Churruca hospital. At least two cars set on fire and several more vandalized, gas, and projectiles They flew steadily throughout the afternoon and so far 20 people were arrested as part of the incidents.

The police shot rubber bullets, pepper spray and use fire trucks to disperse the activists who attacked the fence set up around the palace that houses the Legislative Branch. The corners of Callao and Rivadavia, on the one hand, and Entre Ríos and Yrigoyen, on the other, were a true powder keg.

For more than three hours the violence reigned in the area, with different intensity. Every time the situation seemed to be under control, new attackers appeared from different arteries and revived the incidents. The dispersed groups returned through different entrances to the Congress building, despite the fact that the troops were waiting for them with shields, gas, rubber bullets and water cannon trucks.

There were harsh confrontations between the police and the protesters (Photo: Luis Robayo/AFP)

The Federal Police, the National Gendarmerie, the PSA and 600 members of the Buenos Aires City Police supported the operation, while dozens of militants from leftist parties persistently threw stones, sticks and bottles and Molotov cocktails. In addition, according to the City Police, a 41-year-old man was arrested who had in his possession a grenade from Military Manufacturing.

One of the cars that was set on fire belonged to Chain 3, a media outlet from the province of Córdoba that arrived in the City of Buenos Aires to cover the session in the Senate. The other, turned around in the middle of Sáenz Peña Street, was attacked in front of the television channels’ cell phones by assailants, some with their faces uncovered.

The images that circulated throughout the afternoon showed a hand-to-hand fight between the police and the protesters in which projectiles of all kinds flew. In the area, the air became unbreathable as a result of the gases used by the security forces to deter attacks by activists, who aim to interrupt the session in which the Base Law is discussed.

From the Buenos Aires force, they told Infobae that among their ranks there were three injured police officers, two women and a man.

One of the injured officers was hit by a blunt object thrown from a balcony at the intersection of Salta Street and Mayo Avenue. She was referred to the Ramos Mejía Hospital with head trauma. Another of the injured suffered a fracture in a finger for a blow.

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