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The rain cannot withstand Rammstein’s pyromaniac madness in Barcelona

A lot has rained since the Germans Rammstein will visit Barcelona for the first time a November 19, 1997. They arrived in the Catalan capital as standard bearers of what was named Neue Deutsche Härte (in Spanish New German toughness), a genre that revalued the tradition of industrial rock, always with so much popularity in Germanic places and that until then had as its cornerstone formations such as Oomph! either Die Krupps. In a favorable ecosystem, thanks to the emergence of proposals more or less similar to those of the Berliners, but with a reputation among a much broader public such as Marilyn Mansonthen the messiah of the apocalypse, Rammstein They overtook all their generation mates on the right. Even more so with a record of the potential of Sehnsucht (1997), his second full-length, a hiding place for unbeatable hits like Angel, Bück said or, very especially, Du until, as a cover letter. And if there were still faithful to indoctrinate, the package was completed with a proto-steam-punk aesthetic and a show that was a roar of fire and metal, not far from the formula and style of our most rationalist and brutalist company, La Fura dels Baus . Rammstein, coming from communist Germany, were like a group of Stasi dissidents, preaching their particular revolution martialist from a slaughterhouse with a seven of synthesizers and a can of gasoline.

Repertoire of the Rammstein concert at the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys in Barcelona 06/11/2024

Rammstein, coming from communist Germany, were like a group of Stasi dissidents, preaching their particular revolution martialist from a slaughterhouse with a seven of synthesizers and a can of gasoline

Music for fireworks

More than 25 years have passed since that first incursion into Catalan territory in a tiny (and iconic) Garatge room about to burn, but I put my hand on the brazier betting that no one who experienced that evening has forgotten that baptism of fire. Nor will they forget what most of them experienced last night. 52,000 people (which means that they sold all the tickets, maintaining the power of gathering only within the reach of a privileged few) that went up to the Montjuïc Olympic Stadium to enjoy the Teutones live in the middle of the most extreme waterspout that has ever been experienced in Barcelona in recent years. The water, however, could not even overcome the spirit of a very dedicated audience, nor did it put out the fire with which Rammstein they pyromaniac their repertoire.

When the world ends, the soundtrack will most likely be a Rammstein song. And we, as we did last night, will enjoy it

Percussionists of one of the most hypnotizing shows, both in the staging and in the resources used, that can be enjoyed live today; The evening began with the sound of Music for Fireworksthe orchestral work divided into 5 movements that Handel composed in 1749, echoing through the public address system. It was the warning that Rammstein were about to appear on the scene. Seconds later, Till Lindemann and his troop of arsonists attacked Ramm4. The rain did not let up, the band less so, the public resisted. The album Mutter 2001 marked the first bars of the evening with songs such as Links 2-3-4 and Meinz herz brenntthe beginning of a repertoire that, over 21 songs, went through the different stages of the formation with perfect balance, reaching the climax of the night with the apocalyptic amplification of Du until and Sonne. When the world ends, the soundtrack will most likely be a Rammstein song. And we, as we did last night, will enjoy it.

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