Radio Nuevitas – The Palestinian people are dying massacred, Cuba denounces

Havana, May 31.- The Foreign Minister of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denounced today that the genocide perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip prevents basic and emergency services for the Palestinian people who are dying massacred by hunger and disease.

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The day before, representatives of civil society grouped in the Cuban Association of the United Nations demanded the immediate cessation of the genocide of the Zionist regime of Israel against Palestine and called for the unity of the international community to stop the massacre.

In this sense, the vice president of the National Association of Economists and Accountants and hero of the Republic of Cuba, Ramón Labañino, urged the progressive forces to work to contain the escalation of war promoted by the centers of hegemonic power in the face of the world’s advance towards multipolarity.

Cuba advocates for peace in those territories on the basis of the creation of two states, which allows the people of Palestine to exercise their right to self-determination and have an independent and sovereign State within the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem. as its capital.

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