Radio Havana Cuba | Italian people appreciate the growing Cuban medical aid in Calabria (+Photo)

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Rome, June 2 (RHC) The Italian people appreciate the health care provided in the southern region of Calabria by a Cuban medical brigade, made up of more than 270 professionals, to whom another 70 should be added this month, indicates a statement this Sunday.

The Calabrian governor, Roberto Occhiuto, announced in statements published on social networks and cited in a work published by the newspaper Gazzetta del Sud, that the procedures are already being carried out to enable the arrival from the island of new specialists in emergency areas, gynecology , orthopedics, radiology, cardiology and pediatrics.

The note published in that news outlet refers to an interview given on May 31 by pediatrician Iván Martínez, coordinator of the Cuban medical team present in the province of Crotone, who highlighted the priority that the training of doctors has in his nation.

“Our leader, Fidel Castro, focused on the training of specialists in various sectors, including medicine, to help Third World countries” and this time it was requested by one of the most economically important countries,” but that faces a complex health situation, added the manager.

The government of Calabria “had the courage to ask for support from those who always help with their doctors and naturally we accepted, and although at first it was not easy, the Cuban doctors, with their skills, overcame all mistrust and the experience so far is extraordinary,” Martínez stated.

Dr. Luis Enrique Pérez, head of the Cuban medical brigade, recently pointed out during an event in the Italian capital that after the signing of a framework agreement in August 2022, the first group of 51 doctors arrived in December of that year, 120 of which were added in August 2023 and another 106 in January of this year.

Currently the group is made up of 274 doctors, so after the next arrival of 70 the number will rise to 344, and is expected to rise to 500 this year, which will expand the service that is already provided in 27 hospitals of the five Calabrian provinces: Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Calabria and Vibo Valentia, he specified. (Source:PL)

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