Sebastián Casanello ordered the raid of the Human Capital warehouse in Villa Martelli

The federal judge Sebastian Casanello Today he ordered the search of the warehouses of the Ministry of Human Capital that are located in Villa Martelli, where the ministry has stored products for the canteens.

The magistrate, who serves in the National Criminal and Federal Correctional Court No. 7, ordered a “subsidy search warrant” in the “Martelli Operational Center”, one of the targeted places where the portfolio leading Sandra Pettovello He has retained food and infusions.

The operation in the Buenos Aires town was a consequence of the request of prosecutor Paloma Ochoa, of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office No. 10, and seeks that police personnel can “verify what was reported by the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation regarding the type of product , brand, batch and quantity of food and their respective entry and expiration dates.”

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Federal Judge Sebastián Casanello

In turn, the measure ordered by Casanello Its objective is that “the destination of the merchandise can be identified, if it is determined; Information is provided regarding all other merchandise found there and if there is a “book of records or news, it is provided for its correct preservation.”.

It also provides that “the facilities and current state” of the stored food will be recorded on video and in photos.

Simultaneously, the Federal Court No. 2 of Tucumán ordered a similar measure for the Tafí Viejo warehouse, in Tucumán, another of the locations where the portfolio stores supplies for the dining rooms.

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The food scandal that shakes the Ministry of Human Capital

After the portfolio led by Pettovello did not ask for an extension or the suspension of Casanello’s proposal to present a distribution plan for the stored products, the judge finally ordered one of the warehouses to be raided.

Between both warehouses, there are 6 thousand tons of food and infusions stored that the Government had refused to distribute until Thursday, when Pablo de la Torre, who served as Secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family, was fired from his position. After that fact, he assured that the products that were close to expiring would be distributed immediately by the Army.

Casanello reported the Human Capital breach to Room II of the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber, where next Wednesday a hearing will be held with the lawyers of Juan Grabois, the complainant in the case, and the portfolio headed by Sandra Pettovello, after that the latter, through its Legal Undersecretary, Leila Gianni, opposed the precautionary measure of carrying out a food distribution scheme, arguing that it was “arbitrary and contradictory.”

Sandra Pettovello, Minister of Human Capital

Through his social networks, the social leader Juan Grabois referred to Casanello’s measure and expressed: “Stop screwing around with lies, statements and arrogance. Present a distribution plan. Restore the food programs. #DistributeTheFood.”

In February, Grabois had filed a criminal complaint against Sandra Pettovello for failure to fulfill her duties as an official.


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