This fruit can help control and prevent type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard specialists

This fruit can help control and prevent type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard specialists
This fruit can help control and prevent type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard specialists

Type 2 diabetes is a condition caused by a problem in the way the body regulates and uses blood sugar for fuel.. That sugar is also known as glucose, explains an article from the Mayo Clinic.

It is a condition that in the long term it increases the circulation of sugar in the blood and that, in certain cases, can lead to other diseases.

From the aforementioned medical center they warn that “In type 2 diabetes there are mainly two problems”.

The first is that “The pancreas does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar in cells”.

And the second is that the latter “do not respond adequately to insulin and consume less sugar.”

Although the diagnosis is more frequent in older adults, it is also There has been an increase in the number of young people with obesity who face this condition.

Although there is no cure, specialists at the Mayo Clinic emphasize that “lose weight, eat well and do exercise “They can help you control the disease.”in addition to medications depending on the patient’s situation.

This fruit can help control and prevent type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard specialists. Photo: reference.

What is the fruit that can help control diabetes?

An article available in Harvard Health Publishing states that “a modest increase in the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed can help prevent”.

They cited research published in the academic journal The BMJ, which brought together a sample of 340,000 people from eight European countries, of which 9,754 had recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The analysis realized that People who ate more fruits and vegetables, and had higher levels of plant nutrients in their blood, had between 25% and 50% lower risk of developing this diseasecompared to those who consumed less of these foods or had lower levels of nutrients.

According to Harvard specialists, “The equivalent of just two-thirds of a medium apple or just over a third of a cup of mixed fruit a day offered protection.”.

In this sense, a review of more than 150 studies to which Infobae had access revealed that elements such as the flavanols found in apples can contribute to control blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Added to this is that They are rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.

Regarding whether red or green ones are preferable, specialists consulted by the aforementioned media said that Although both have positive points, the green ones are the most suggested, because the red ones have more sugar.

Notably It is always advisable to go to a doctor if you have questions about your health or the foods you can consume..

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