The West Bank, Israel’s other war against the Palestinians, brings more and more deaths

Israeli security forces and settlers have killed 543 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7, 2023, the official Wafa news agency reported this Wednesday, cited by Prensa Latina.

According to the Palestinian news outlet, the figure includes 133 minors and numerous women.

Since the new cycle of war began, following Hamas’s coup against Israel, just over eight months ago, some 5,200 citizens have also been injured in the so-called West Bank of the Jordan River.

On Tuesday, the Israeli army killed six young people during an operation in the town of Kafr Dan, located near the city of Jenin, in the north of that occupied territory, the Israeli office said. Latin Press.

Hamas appeal

Hamas on Wednesday called on Palestinians residing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to “increase the intifada” in the face of attacks by Israel’s “Nazi forces.”

“The criminal occupation is delusional in believing that the massacres in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will lead Palestinians to abandon their decision to resist barbarism and fascism and defend their homeland and its sacred places,” said a statement from the group.

Over the past eight months, US troops and police have arrested more than 9,200 people, including teenagers and women, in the West Bank region.

Why Gaza is just a battle and Israel's big objective is in the West Bank

Destruction of Palestinian heritage

The destruction of Palestinian civil structures, whether houses, businesses and even mosques, is a regular practice of the Israeli authorities, which in turn makes it impossible for Palestinian residents to obtain construction permits, a practice also carried out in the east of the city. of Jerusalem.

During the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, the most extremist in Israel’s history, these demolitions have skyrocketed, accelerating forced displacements and annexationism.

Much of the international community considers these settlements illegal under international law.

The West Bank extends across a region of 5,860 square kilometers in area and 20 to 40 kilometers wide, delimited to the east by the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, and to the west, north and south by the so-called Green Line, according to the demarcation. which was established in the Arab-Israeli armistice of 1949, and which separates it from Jordan.

The territory, where between 2.1 and 3 million Palestinians live, has been occupied by Israel since the so-called Six Day War of 1967, when Tel Aviv launched a surprise air attack on Egypt and in less than a week managed to the victory.

The aggressions of the occupation army in the West Bank (West Bank for the Anglo-Saxon press) escalated exponentially as a consequence of the military campaign in the Gaza Strip, where more than 37,000 documented deaths are reported, plus thousands more who lie under the rubble of the destroyed enclave.

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