In extension of interrogation, Olmedo López mentioned a new minister in the corruption scandal

Just likeor it was planned, the former director of the National Risk Management Unit (UNGRD), Olmedo López, had an extension of the interrogation procedure within the corruption scandal that affects the Petro government.

According to the criteria of

TIME established that the prosecutor in the case insisted that he provide evidence of the accusations that he has been making against congressmen and high government officials. and to provide new information.

A One of the first people that López pointed out in the interview he gave to EL TIEMPO was the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, who he said had a lot to explain to the country. Velasco, who describes Olmedo as a thiefpointed out that their actions are impeccable and that they should investigate whatever they wanted.

The Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco; and Olmedo López, former director of the UNGRD.

Photo:Ministry of the Interior

A new minister?

Ricardo Bonilla, Minister of Finance

Photo:Private file

TIME I had already anticipated about a month ago that the names of two advisors from the Interior and Treasury portfolios would be included in the collaboration matrix..

In addition to The alleged bribes to congressmen were intended to support regional political campaigns and ‘settle’ the approval of the health reform and even the approval of the general budget of the Nation. In this context, informed sources told EL TIEMPO that in the extension of the interrogation Today, Olmedo mentioned the Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonilla.

Since May 5, andThis newspaper asked the Minister of Finance, Bonilla, about the mention in the UNGRD scandal of the approval of the National Budget. He made it known through one of his advisors that the portfolio in charge of him does not execute resources: “We transfer money to the entities and there they are independent in what and how they spend the money.”

The 40 tank cars were purchased from the company Impoamericana Roger SAS.

Photo:Private file

TIME He consulted again today with the Treasury portfolio and the response was the same: “We are not expense organizers.”

In addition, It is verified whether he also gave the names of the advisors who would have served as a liaison between the Interior and Treasury portfolios. and the UNGRD.

EL TIEMPO established that one of them is named Carolina.

The list was expanded to 25

The lawyer Jose Luis Moreno.

Photo:Private file.

At the exit of the diligence, the criminal lawyer José Luis Moreno, Olmedo López’s attorney, told the media that they are going to present before the Prosecutor’s Office an expansion of the collaboration matrix with 25 names.

Olmedo López Martínez

Olmedo López Martínez

Photo:Nestor Gomez

“Mr. Olmedo López has spent more than 25 hours providing information, providing evidentiary elements. Yesterday we filed more than 100 pages of evidence that are corroborating new facts of which the Prosecutor’s Office or the country was not aware. Facts of corruption that Mr. Olmedo López is revealing and that are fundamental in the principle of collaboration. We hope that the Prosecutor’s Office complies with the agreements that are being advanced within the framework of the principle of opportunity” said Moreno.

He also said: “There is new names, tomorrow a second and a third collaboration matrix will be filed regarding the cases that Mr. Olmedo López has narrated. Those names will be handled by the Prosecutor’s Office because an agreement was reached with them to respect that commitment. “It’s about 20 to 25 people.”

Besides, that among those people named in the new matrix there are senior officials, ministers, other congressmen, advisors and officials of the entity.

“ANDWe hope that the Prosecutor’s Office and the justice system decide to listen to Mr. Olmedo López and provide him with that principle of opportunity, which is the agreement we have reached, so that he can tell the truth to the country as he is doing, and that the Supreme Court of Justice I also cited it in the case of the president of the chamber and president of the senate, so that he can give his statement before them,” said Moreno.

And it ended saying that the principle of opportunity is advancing, that there are already some proposals on the table, but out of respect for the Prosecutor’s Office, the reservation is maintained.


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