Prime Minister exchanged with workers and people in Antilla and Gibara

Photos: Elder Leyva

The member of the Political Bureau and Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, exchanged this Wednesday with managers and workers of important socioeconomic objectives of the municipality of Antilla, in order to check compliance with the indications derived from his previous visit to the territory. , made last April.

The Antillean port was the first scenario in which it evaluated the response provided to issues related to the technical state of the naval resources, the repair of the dock and the delay in the payment of utilities, the main concerns of the workers of this entity, where they are located. the basic business units of the maritime services of Navegación Caribe, Prácticos de Cuba and Consignataria Mambisa.

During the dialogue, the head of Government insisted that we must banish the bureaucracy imposed by the centralization of the structures of the business system and, as an example of this, he started from the dissatisfaction that persists with the payment of profits, since the workers do not receive the greatest benefits of the wealth they generate and that they could use in different destinations linked not only to salary stimulation, but also to the social responsibility of the entity and the improvement of working conditions.

Marrero Cruz reiterated that the solution to these concerns lies in the independence of the entity, for which he suggested carrying out a joint study of the Government, University and economic specialists to promote the creation of a state company of local subordination that would allow increasing income and expand their horizons in the development of self-consumption and other services also based on productive chains, which would substantially improve the current situation with the means of work and the rescue of the installed capacity in the port, wasted at this time.

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Accompanied by Joel Queipo Ruiz, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party in Holguín, Manuel Francisco Hernández Aguilera, Deputy to the Cuban Parliament and Governor and local authorities, visited the UEB of Transportation, where he learned of the existence of seven Diana bus is in condition to provide services, but is limited by the low availability of fuel, counterproductive to those of the private sector, which is better favored in this regard.

In the exchange with the delegation, Everto Tamayo Moreno, UEB Transportation director in the Antillean territory, explained that due to this situation there are days when he cannot even prioritize the most popular routes, such as Antilla-Holguín and Antilla-Cortadera, which then assumes non-state transportation.

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This also has an impact on the low income of the entity and, as a consequence, on the salaries of the workers.
Faced with these distortions, the prime minister stressed: “We have the responsibility to seek solutions from the state to provide services to the people. We cannot privatize everything. That is not the way.”

As part of this day’s journey, Marrero Cruz, in his capacity as a Deputy to the Cuban Parliament, arrived in the afternoon to the Gibareño communities of Pedregoso and La Nasa, from the popular councils of Floro Pérez and Boca, respectively, where he held a meeting with the residents.

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Their respective delegates Frank spoke about the peculiarities of these localities, the results of the productive forms and their support for community tasks, as well as the involvement of the locals in solving the neighborhood’s problems and the functioning of the institutions located in these areas. Méndez Tarragó and Pedro Pavón Leyva, who conveyed the community’s gratitude for the efforts made by the country’s leadership to solve the problems.

The head of Government took the opportunity to explain the situation that Cuba is experiencing with the generation of electricity and the guarantee of the basic basket, as well as the measures that will soon be implemented to minimize the impact of distortions related to MSMEs and that today greatly affect to the people, such as high prices, mainly of basic products.

Finally, the prime minister participated in the inauguration of the “Luces Martianas” children’s house, located in the town of Uñas, the first in the municipality.

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This highly sensitive social work, as Marrero Cruz mentioned, responds to 12 working mothers, mainly from the Education sector in need of this service, and one university student.

The highest authorities of the Gibareño municipality and Sonia Chacón, also a Member of the Cuban Parliament for this territory, joined this tour.

Yanela Ruiz González

Author: Yanela Ruiz González


Graduate in Sociocultural Studies, journalist for the publishing house ¡ Ahora! Specialized in Education and Higher Education issues Fan of social networks

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