the other death for which the alleged murderer of Dr. Velásquez and his girlfriend had already been convicted

The judicial situation of Julián Alberto Quintero Agudelo, the butler and the music producer Daniel Alejandro Velásquez Franco, Dr. Velásquez, worsened this Friday morning, June 14, with the revelations made by the Prosecutor’s Office and the intervention of the victims’ lawyer.

According to the criteria of

Such as EL TIEMPO had anticipated it, the prosecutor of the case said in the hearing of request for security measure in prison that Quintero first admitted that he had murdered his employer and, at the same time, uncle of his niece (Juliana Muñoz) and then gave Other versions.

‘He was angry and had drinks on him’

Julián Alberto Quintero Agudelo at the hearing to request an assurance measure.

Photo:Private file.

In a first statement he told to the Prosecutor’s Office that he was angry and had drinks on him because the producer had told him that his mother -Blanca Agudelo- could not continue living in the house because she referred to his girlfriend Sofía with vulgar words.

I was Daniel Alejandro’s right hand man. We loved each other. I was the one who killed them both“he said first.

TIME investigated the judicial past of the butler and established that he appears with an old process in which the Police initiated a repetition action against him for another murder of which neither Dr. Velásquez’s lawyers nor his defenders are aware..

Dr. Velásquez, music producer.

Photo:Private file.

Police patrol car and conviction

They bid farewell to the artist with a Eucharist

Photo:Alejandro Mercado

Indeed, documents in EL TIEMPO’s possession indicate that Quintero had already been administratively sentenced, in 2014, for events that occurred when Velásquez’s now butler He worked as a patrolman for the National Police.

Although this issue was not mentioned at the hearing, he He admitted to the Prosecutor’s Office that he taught Dr. Velásquez about handling weapons, specifically a Galil blank rifle and two Córdoba pistols, one of which he would have used to kill him.

The conviction that EL TIEMPO found dates back to February 15, 1997, when Quintero was chatting at the house of an acquaintance of his.

According to the ruling issued by the Council of State, “When the patrolman ate his food at the house of Yovanny Alexander Polanco Gutiérrez, he caused the death of said individual with his official weapon.”.

‘The Russian roulette that witness speaks of

This was the ruling issued by the contentious-administrative chamber of the Council of State against Julián Alberto Agudelo.

This was the ruling issued by the contentious-administrative chamber of the Council of State against Julián Alberto Agudelo.


The document, obtained first by EL TIEMPO, also reads: “The death of Mr. Polanco Gutiérrez was caused by the inappropriate actions of the uniformed Quintero Agudelo, who, without saying a word, fired his official weapon against him.”

This newspaper established that at the time of the events, The victim’s sister witnessed what happened and reported it.

“Julián Quintero, the patrolman, arrived for lunch at the house of my mother, Leonide Gutiérrez. Yovanny took the gun from Julián, that is, from the patrol car, from where Julián had left it, I asked him.He took the bullets and placed them on top of the dining room, and began to play with the gun, rotating it on one finger of his hand, I don’t remember which one. From one moment to the next, Julián took a bullet and loaded the drum and asked my brother if he knew how to play Russian roulette, Yovanny told him no, then Julián explained to him”.

The woman continued: “Julián put the bullet in and turned the drum and told him to close the drum and he had to do it without looking, and from one moment to the next he placed it on his forehead and asked Yovanny if he had a bullet, he replied that No, it was when (Julián) shot and my brother fell, he didn’t know if the revolver had the bullet or not, and that’s when he fell, and I screamed and told him “he killed my brother”, and he told me to shut up and shut up the gate”.

Dr Velásquez and Sofía Riascos


‘It was by chance’

The victim’s sister also stated that she considered that the events had occurred by chance and that Quintero had not intended to murder Yovanny Alexander Polanco.

However, The woman assured that Quintero had told them that he was drunk and that he had drunk seven beers with liquor in the morning, before arriving at the house where the events occurred.

That same February 15, 1997, the authorities captured Julián Alberto Quintero for the crime of manslaughter, and performed a breathalyzer test on him which determined that he did not present clinical signs of acute intoxication.

The investigating entity described the conduct as Quintero was negligent and contrary to his responsibilities as a police officer. He also classified what happened as “a clumsiness” on the part of the former patrolman.

Julián Alberto Quintero Agudelo, Dr. Velásquez’s butler, at the hearing to request a security measure.

Photo:Focus News.

What does the defense of the mayor say?

During the process, the National Police conciliated with the family of Yovanny Alexander Polanco to pay them 85% of their financial claims, 79 million pesos.

And on October 25, 2019, Julián Alberto Quintero Agudelo was declared responsible by way of serious negligence for the death of Yovanny Alexander Polanco. At that time, the third section of the administrative court of Bogotá He sentenced the former patrolman to pay the sum of 137 million pesos.

EL TIEMPO asked the butler’s defense if that precedent should be taken into account in this case.

The Prosecutor’s Office did not present any antecedents, much less an annotation, since they do not appear in its database. That was an administrative issue, purely civil, not criminal. If it were a criminal process, they would not penalize him financially, but rather he would be held criminally responsible.“they explained.

However, his former Police colleagues remembered the events when they saw the face of the former patrolman.


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