Something very bad is happening in the country

Something very bad is happening in the country
Something very bad is happening in the country

“When people are repressed, sent to jail indiscriminately and there are still people detained, it is because something very bad is happening in our country,” said the head of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo.

In that sense, the human rights representative added: “We have to, in peace, of course, violence is of no use, organize those of us who disagreebecause We all have the right to think and accept or disagree. what is done in a democracy that voted and that is giving this result.

In this sense, Carlotto highlighted the fight of the association he presides “for the search for those who are missing, but also for that this democracy is real and not a fiction“, and denounced: “I don’t know who the terrorists are. They are the ones who do this, terror with fear, because logically a girl who has been detained and her family looks for her, after she is told ‘don’t go’ anymore. That That’s what they want, to shut us up“.

Carlotto Senate Stele

Carlotto’s stele in the Senate.

Photo: Parliamentarian.

“We have always defended democracy, an aberration against everything that is illicit, illegal, we We talk about the longest democracy in history but these people are staining it“he questioned.

In this regard, he maintained that the deputies and senators were elected “so that they defend the freedom of their people” and warned: “There is a lot to correct at this moment, from what I see and hear, but it must be done without violence.”

“They are the ones who have to act,” he noted in relation to the Legislative and Judicial Branch, and added: “And we give ideas, above all I am talking about Grandmothers, because we are looking for many grandchildren who still need to be found and We need to be confident that we can do it without obstacles being put in our way.because we are not going to tolerate them.”

The human rights representative insisted on the need to put “in peace and always without violence, the intelligence to correct this and report the irregularities of a government that instead of being the friend of the people is the enemy“.

“Because if you go with fear when you feel like going to express something, whatever it may be, good, bad, regular, but with the right to freedom of action, we are in a very delicate situation“, he warned and indicated: “The Army is not there to beat people or take them away, it is there to take care of us”.

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