Javier Milei signed the declaration of the Peace Summit for the territorial integrity of Ukraine

Javier Milei signed the declaration of the Peace Summit for the territorial integrity of Ukraine
Javier Milei signed the declaration of the Peace Summit for the territorial integrity of Ukraine

In the Peace Summit that took place in Switzerland, Argentina signed the declaration that calls for the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine as the basis of any peace agreement. President Javier expressed his “maximum support” for his Ukrainian counterpart Volodimir Zelensky, which generated Russia’s harsh response hours later.

The document was supported by the European Union, the United States and 80 other nations, while Mexico, Brazil and ten other countries rejected it.

Javier Milei ratified support for Ukraine and signed the declaration of the Peace Summit in Switzerland

The summit was held in Burgenstock, Switzerland, and brought together world leaders and representatives of around 90 governments, among which Russia was not invited. After two days, the meeting concluded with a joint statement that was supported by a large majority.

The 80 signatory countries called for “the territorial integrity” of Ukraine to be the basis of any peace agreement that ends the war that began. Russia more than two years ago.

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Peace Summit in Switzerland.

The final document said that the UN Charter and “respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty can and will serve as a basis for achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.”

This declaration was supported by the European Union, the United States, Japan, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Türkiye, which has tried to act as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine, also signed the document.

The countries that did not sign the agreement in Switzerland

Among the main countries that did not sign the declaration are those that are part along with Russia and China of the group of emerging economies known as the BRICS: Brazil, India and South Africa. They also rejected the final statement: Mexico, Armenia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

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