Fury and Emmanuel vs Martín and Bautista in Big Brother: the tremendous dinner of nominees and which two were left for elimination

Furia and Emmanuel vs Martín and Bautista: this was the nominees’ dinner in Big Brother 2023 (Video: GH, Telefe)

A few hours before it is decided who was the new eliminated in Big Brother 2023on a plate made up of Rage, Martin, Baptist and Immanuel, The cycle had a last-minute twist and doubled its gala. It was decided that on Monday the two participants who were saved by the people and the other two who were still in danger of leaving the house would be announced. But first, the program showed the tension that reigned at the last nominees’ dinner.

Blocked, Juliana and the stylist arrived at the nominees’ lunch determined to aim everything against El Chino and the Uruguayan. “We are not going to get to the shouting that some people want,” said the coach, who painted some mustaches for the moment. “The most important thing is that you don’t lose your temperature,” he provoked her, in a discussion between two that had spicy interventions from his allies in the game.

“Maybe my thermal jumps like you did the other day. You can’t resist a file. We talk about infidels because they use you as a strategy. Sensualize your colleagues and make them fall in love, like she did with Emmanuel all the time and then she wanted to do it with me,” she commented. “You spend all day speaking badly to people and disrespecting them,” Martín continued, firm in his decision to make her angry and to remain calm without getting alerted.

The tense nominee dinner in Big Brother 2023 (Photo: GH, Telefe)
The tense nominee dinner in Big Brother 2023 (Photo: GH, Telefe)

In the middle of that discussion, he pointed towards Emmanuel. “I understand everything, but what you’re doing, when we go outside…” he pointed out, addressing the Cordoban, while Fury took advantage and called him a “manipulator.” At that moment Bautista intervened. “This is a match that is played outside and a capable person becomes entangled in the madness of this and the cards are more set than one believes,” he said, but the former stuntwoman did not tolerate it either. “I am not crazy. I don’t think bad. “You said one spirals into madness,” she prodded him, while he denied calling her that.

In line with the discussions they had been having, the player insisted. “Taking everything ahead when you already have everything you have earned and you are not thinking about the rest is called accumulating abundance. It seems to me that you have to have a little respect for me,” she expressed, while they ate pasta and tried to give their best arguments to harm her opponents.

Emma took advantage of that moment to complain about Los Bros and alluded especially to the Uruguayan singer. “I’m tired of being laughed at,” she said, while her partner couldn’t tolerate it. “I’m going to laugh forever, Dad,” she crossed him. In the end, at the time of the definitions, the two of them were the ones who had good news at the gala.

Emanuel and Bautista were saved from elimination in Big Brother 2023 (Photo: GH, Telefe)
Emanuel and Bautista were saved from elimination in Big Brother 2023 (Photo: GH, Telefe)

Barely Santiago del Moro At the start of the program, he announced that there would be a split in the elimination, but sought to clarify that so that there was no speculation that the voting lines closed for everyone at the same time and that people were not going to continue voting until the next day.

The first to receive the good news was the hairdresser, who with 0.8% in a vote that the driver clarified had broken a new record, was far from being at risk. A few minutes later it was Bautista’s turn to find out that he was still in the competition, by an even lower figure than his partner of 0.1%. But it was not the only news he received.

The entertainer proposed that Denisse, his girlfriend, have a new income to have a fake wedding and he immediately accepted. Will he be able to have Martín as his godfather, next to him, or will Furia have to be one of the guests at the wedding?

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