‘Iván Mordisco’, head of the ‘Central General Staff’, has been in the crosshairs, 160 meters from the troops; Why hasn’t he fallen?

While in the southwest of the country (Cauca and Valle), the dissidents of the ‘Central General Staff’ have unleashed a wave of terrorist violence that hits civilians and Public Forces alike; in the Eastern Plains its highest chief, Néstor Gregorio Vera Fernández, alias Iván Mordisco, continues to grow stronger, safe from the actions of the authorities.

According to the criteria of

EL TIEMPO had access to information from the State intelligence agencies that account for the movements of ‘Iván Mordisco’ and that concludes President Gustavo Petro’s order to “capture him” (after the end of the truce in the southwest and ‘Mordisco’ said that they had supported him in the 2022 elections) is virtually impossible to comply with because the criminal leader takes refuge in an area where the ceasefire with the ‘Central General Staff’ is in force.

While in Cauca, Valle and Nariño – since March – the Public Force once again attacked the ‘Mordisco’ dissidents after President Petro’s order to reactivate offensive operations; Another is the situation in regions such as Meta, Caquetá, Guaviare and Putumayo, where the bilateral cessation remains in force with that criminal organization.

Precisely, the sources highlight that ‘Mordisco’ has managed to consolidate a “corridor” to move – especially between Meta and Guaviare – where he feels sure that the Public Force “cannot reach him.” From there, the governor of Meta, Rafaela Cortés, denounces, he continues to extort and attack the Public Force and civilians.

Cali, Colombia, May 20, 2024 A motor pump was activated around 6:15 a.m. today in the center of Jamundí in Valle del Cauca. The incident, which was directed against 100 police officers who came to reinforce the security of the municipality and those who are staying in a hotel, left three children and two police officers injured and damaged property, two vehicles and more than 50 homes and commercial establishments.

Photo:Juan Pablo Rueda/ El Tiempo

The order is ‘break contact’

High intelligence sources told EL TIEMPO that “the Special Forces have located ‘Mordisco’, They have had it in their sights at a distance of 160 meters, but they cannot act because in the protocols on the bilateral ceasefire it was clear that the troops must ‘break contact’; to which is added that the head of the dissidents protects himself with the civilian population“.

What is ‘breaking contact’? Basically it consists of that if the uniformed officers are in the coordinates where the bilateral ceasefire with the dissidents is active, and they are not committing a crime at that exact moment, they must leave the point to avoid a confrontation. Offensive operations – including intelligence operations – are suspended in those territories.

Sources point out that on at least three occasions they have located ‘Mordisco’ and that the illegal boss is moving “in small hamlets, surrounded by women and children, which would also prevent an operation against him from being carried out without putting the civilian population at risk.“.

The paradox is that while he orders indiscriminate terrorist actions that have cost the lives of children, women and the elderly, ‘Mordisco’ shields himself from the actions against him in a region where he practically cannot be touched. In Meta and Guaviare there are also the dissidents led by alias ‘Calarcá’, which in theory are on good terms with the Government and ‘Total Peace’.

Image of the Special Forces whose mission is to reinforce security in Jamundí, south of Cali, after the onslaught of dissidents.

Photo:Santiago Saldarriaga Quintero

How does ‘Bite’ move?

The Public Force has identified that ‘Iván Mordisco’ moves in hamlets in the south of Meta and the north of Guaviare, the same area where his former FARC front was strong. The Forces say that you do not spend more than three nights in the same place and depending on where you are going to go, you have one or two security cordons. Their first line has between 12 and 15 heavily armed illegals. Like other illegal bosses, ‘Mordisco’ includes minors in that guard, an additional insurance to avoid being attacked by the Public Force.

Sources say that he is not a man who likes to party or drink alcohol: “He takes great care of himself, he knows he can’t give it a chance. He moves in points of confidence“.

In fact, it is known that he frequents some places where women live with whom he has been involved for several years.

Coca growing complex of dissidents in the rural area of ​​Tibú, Norte de Santander.

Photo:Vulcan Task Force

‘Bite’ has grown stronger

The reports indicate that ‘Mordisco’ has managed to consolidate a financial structure that is based, in addition to drug trafficking, on intense extortion activity. “ANDIt is imposing behavioral fines in the region and imposing forced labor on communities if they fail to comply with its rules.. To which is added the extortion of merchants, even the smallest ones,” say the sources.

That is what is reflected in the controversial behavior cards that circulate in Caquetá and Meta and that the men of ‘Mordisco’ enforce fiercely. It is the same thing that, as EL TIEMPO revealed in a report last Sunday, happens in the rural area of ​​Jamundí, in the leaks of Cali.


Justice Editorial.

In X: @JusticiaET

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