Take note of how to reduce back pain, according to science

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The economical treatment to reduce back pain

The study focused on adults with a history of low back pain. Who They walked regularly They spent almost twice as long without their back pain returning compared to the control group.

The conclusion of the study was that “A progressive, individualized walking and educational intervention significantly reduced the recurrence of low back pain. This accessible, scalable, and safe intervention could impact the way low back pain is managed.” Back pain

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There are many different causes of low back pain, often the root cause is having a weak base of support. Walk It can help strengthen the muscle groups that stabilize the spine, primarily the torso muscles. Weakness of the muscles in that region, also known as the core, can cause fatigue and misalignment of the spine, therefore Back pain.

Several people, when they experience an increase in Back painthey avoid movement, but walk can be a great ally when looking for a solution. Movement can be beneficial in relieving and preventing back pain, as long as it is performed with proper technique and considering individual needs.

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